The key of a healthy life, is to include all kinds of foods and exercise regularly. Astrology determines the different areas of human life, and consider which foods will benefit you according to the Zodiac; will give you more benefits.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Those signs corresponding to the fire element, share as feature the intense energy with which they live; therefore, the best way to ensure the fuel throughout the day, is consuming enough non-processed carbohydrates.

Aries is one of the most vulnerable sings who easily stop diets. This is the reason why they should have achievable goals, combining healthy eating with exercise. For example, you can start walking 20 minutes during the day. Leo people are prone to have cardiovascular diseases, therefore, they should opt for healthy fats like avocado and olive oil.

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Meanwhile, Sagittarius prides himself on its good relationship with food; but its biggest challenge is learning how to reduce portions and do six meals a day to have a healthier life. Green juices, yogurt and almonds; They are the best choices for their snack.

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Earth women must fight against a sedentary lifestyle. Taurus has a weakness for sweets and eat to calm anxiety, it is better to change them for fruits like strawberries. Meanwhile, Virgo and Capricorn have to protect the digestive system by eating more integral foods and avoid junk food; besides fried food, spiced food and red meat.

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Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Nuts help to maintain the vitality of people who correspond to the air element. Geminis should avoid foods that agitate them, such as alcohol and caffeine. Also, Libra women, who are lovers of sweets; have to get a better idea for their afternoon snacks. Try infusions.

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In turn, Aquarius must be careful with cardiovascular diseases or problems with the functioning of the pancreas; accordingly, try a diet that includes white meat, cook with little salt, avoid smoked foods and remove packaged products.

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Stress easily seizes people with signs of water. The formula is to avoid sugars and eat more times a day. Also practice a physical activity such as meditation and yoga, they will help keep you more relaxed.

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For Cancer women, is good the regular consumption of tea and milk to calm emotions. Scorpios, are very susceptible to gastritis; so they should stop eating fried foods and more vegetables. For Pisces is essential to organize their meals in advance, and take care of their urinary system by consuming plenty of fluids. It is advisable to avoid alcohol, which has a tendency to add