It is possible to believe that there is a secret for beauty, but unfortunately it is not, the reality is that there are universal rules, the 10 beauty commandments that you should follow, put into practice immediately and never forget. To be beautiful, you do not have to see stars, but you need to take care of yourself both inside and out. To be aware that you, however you are, are perfect, unique and beautiful; and that you must be believe it and then project it to others. The beauty commandments cover the most important aspects that you must take care of. If bad habits have become a habit, say No! And practice the following tips.

You will sanctify sleep: the truth is that the importance of sleeping the full 8 hours is often underestimated. According to the University of California it was revealed that lack of sleep can develop psychosis and other mental states such as stress.

You will remove make up from your face every night: the face like the rest of the body should be washed, even more if you wear any makeup. Not cleansing the face properly can result in clogging of the pores, appearance of pimples and irritant dermatitis. Do not forget to remove it!

You will honour sun protection: the skin should be protected daily with a good sunscreen, even in winter. Dermatologists insist continuously, that solar radiation is causing skin premature aging.

You will drink between one and 1.5 liters of water: for one reason is the vital liquid and the best way to take care of the body from within, it benefits from the skin to the organs.

You will not sacrifice your diet: We are the reflection of what we eat, thus it is necessary to have a balanced diet; sugar, alcoholic drinks and processed foods are enemies of any skin and perfect complexion. Avoid them!

You will take care of the skin above all things: the skin is the most extensive organ of the body, it is necessary to establish a routine of daily care, exfoliating it once a week, taking care of the eye area and applying moisturizer on the whole body, thus, each centimeter will be soft and silky.

You will not take the name of your dentist in vain: go to the dentist periodically and thus you will keep your mouth healthy. Do not forget to moisturize your lips, remember that a smile is an excellent letter of introduction.

You will take care of your makeup: the brushes should be washed 1 week, the makeup products should be changed every 3 or 4 months and should not be exchanged with anyone since they can cause skin alterations.

You will pamper your hair: to achieve healthy hair it is necessary to use quality products, avoid the abuse of dyes, dryers and irons because they dry it. Finally, you will not allow flaccidity, the changes experienced by the tissues of the body and the passage of time is not in vain, regular exercise is an excellent remedy for toning.

Finally, put them into practice, be original, smile and be happy.