Physical exercise practiced on a regular basis, contributes to maintain good health, and even to prevent diseases. It can be said that all sports are beneficial for the prevention, the development and the rehabilitation of health; since they help character and discipline in daily life, which provides mental and emotional well-being, promoting a feeling of daily optimism. That is why, of the many existing sports, the best ones will be those that adapt to the needs of each one. Here you can learn at least 5 sports disciplines that will help you.

Any physical activity that you choose, you must do it in a progressive way and, in turn, make a training plan, which will depend on the physical condition of each person. The ideal is to practice it between 5 and 30 minutes a day, at a medium physical intensity; as the case may be, each body and each intention will be suitable for a specific type of sport; however, the most beneficial sports at the cardiovascular level are: swimming, cycling, “running” or athletics and with respect to team sports, basketball and soccer.

Swimming, a sport that is considered complete for health, allows the increase of cardiorespiratory capacity in an elevated way, it also stabilizes the muscles of the back and abdomen, increasing flexibility. Cycling, on the other hand, also enhances the flexibility and musculature of the body, it also increases the lung and cardiac capacity. “Running” or athletics, is considered one of the basic sports, as a complement to the physical and corporal activity, of any person at important levels; with the advantage of being a simple and economic sport.

With regard to team sports, basketball and soccer, in addition to benefiting the muscles, the cardiorespiratory system, are very important in the psycho-social field, since they are practiced at the collective level and this helps with the individual’s psychological part and self-esteem.

If we take into account that the heart is one of the most important organs of the body, all the sports that are carried out to improve heart health will allow a general improvement of the organism. So whatever the sport that helps this important organ, as it is, it will have an influence directly on positive aspects such as: lowering blood pressure, stimulating the general circulation of the body, increasing blood circulation in all muscles and helping to the prevention of the appearance of varices. Likewise, the metabolism will benefit, since there will be a decrease in LDL cholesterol and an increase in good HDL cholesterol.

Biological and psychological benefits of practicing some of these sports and even others not mentioned here will help you improve physical endurance, bone density, body weight, joint mobility, fatigue, tension and stress, depression level, etc. The important thing is that you stay healthy and enjoy a better quality of life.