When training at the gym, it is normal to make some mistakes that without the right attention, could lead to a bad injury, so it is necessary to know and recognize some of them, so you can always have good results and make sure that the effort is reflected in the body you want to have.

Choosing the wrong gym

Precisely this mistake is fatal, because the place where you train and exercise should be comfortable and attractive so that this along with the motivation to go, is almost a guarantee of fulfilling the commitment and challenge of setting the routine or getting used to it, because definitely this is one of the first mishaps for those who start training.

A determining factor when choosing a gym is its space and equipment, which must be in good condition and ready to meet your needs on the site, because otherwise they will not provide the routine you may need.

Training without stretching

This is one of the classic mistakes, but not less important. Stretching the muscles properly before submitting them to a physical activity is important, especially if what we are looking for is to obtain medium and long term results through exercise routines that are carried out intensely, and without the proper care, you can get injured. So, before each session, it is good to mobilize the joints you are going to use and warm up the muscles through active stretching.

Incorrectly hydrating

Oxygenating by breathing and drinking water is very important for the elimination of toxins and the absorption of nutrients. So, it is important to have enough water when training and not wait until you are thirsty to drink, so taking small sips throughout the routine is ideal.

Using equipment incorrectly

This mistake is common. When training, many people use equipment incorrectly and without the supervision of a professional who can guide them, they run the risk of suffering an injury. A sign that equipment is being used incorrectly when exercising is to feel a pain or discomfort that was not there before you did a particular exercise. Remember that it is normal to feel your muscles sore after a long training session, but that should disappear in a couple of days.  

Not stretching at the end

Possibly as important as it is to stretch before starting the training, it is to do it at the end, because that is how we eliminate the lactic acid, responsible for the terrible muscular pains the next day and that is released in the body to give us energy.

These are just some mistakes we make that often go unnoticed when training, so knowing them helps to prevent them and work effectively, because with perseverance, dedication and the necessary effort, you can obtain the results you want for our body when training.