There are habits that make us age prematurely. Many of them form part of our routine and almost without realizing it we do them daily. Although aging is an inevitable biological process, what we can avoid is that it occurs prematurely. Therefore, aging properly will depend on identifying and avoiding these habits, always trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Find out below what are the habits you should not do in order to avoid aging prematurely:

1. Not getting enough rest or getting little sleep

The number of hours we must sleep and the quality of sleep are two more important factors than we think. Since during sleep we release growth hormone. It is in charge of increasing the production and renewal of collagen in all tissues.

Habits that make us age prematurely

Various studies argue that not getting enough sleep accelerates the signs of aging and weakens the skin’s ability to renew itself at night. This is confirmed by a study commissioned by the cosmetic firm Estée Lauder at UH Case Medical Centre in Cleveland, Ohio, United States.

It is recommended to avoid electronic devices before sleeping, to maintain a pleasant environment that encourages sleep, and to exercise regularly. All this will help us to rest a greater number of hours.

2. Lead a sedentary life

It is widely known that sedentary lifestyle has multiple consequences on our health. For example, the risk of obesity, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. But, what very few people notice is that a sedentary life also leads us to age prematurely.

This is because the lack of exercise also causes us to lose muscle mass, which translates into our body appearing to be a physiological age of someone older. In addition, several studies, including one conducted by Brigham Young University and published in 2017 in the journal Preventive Medicine. They show that sedentary people have shorter telomeres compared to those with high levels of physical activity.

Telomeres are structures that protect the ends of chromosomes and their shortening is the main cause of aging. For this reason, it is important to do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to protect the telomeres and not age prematurely.

3. Having a lot of stress

Today stress is part of our daily life. And although it has been proven that a small amount of stress can be beneficial. Maintaining high levels can have multiple negative effects, making us even vulnerable to aging prematurely.

Therefore, we must find ways to eliminate it. Like, for example, exercising regularly, learning relaxation techniques, disconnecting from work when we are at home, and in severe cases, seeking help from a therapist.

4. Smoking

This is obviously one of the most harmful habits that we usually have. Since tobacco reduces the level of oxygen in the blood and consumes vitamins, thereby affecting the production of collagen and causing our skin to lose elasticity and firmness. Therefore, those who smoke are more likely to have wrinkles and, of course, age prematurely.

Envejecer prematuramente mujer fumando

5. Do not protect the skin

Being the largest organ in the body, its appearance significantly influences the way we age. As well as in the perception that we have and that others of our age have too. For this reason, protecting it properly from elements such as the sun is extremely important to avoid the damage it causes. Because exposing ourselves to the sun without protection accelerates the aging process in 10 years.

Among other habits to avoid it we must use moisturizers, drink enough water to hydrate ourselves from the inside, and apply sunscreen every time we expose ourselves to the sun. Likewise, it is also convenient to clean and exfoliate the skin correctly. Without forgetting the use of hats, sunglasses and light and breathable garments that allow us to cover the most sensitive areas.

6. Rubbing your eyes

The skin around the eye contour is quite thin and sensitive, especially very vulnerable to sun and wrinkles. Therefore, by rubbing the eyes, the collagen and the elasticity of that area are lost, which causes wrinkles to appear. So if you feel tired eyes, instead of rubbing them, brew an infusion of green tea, and apply the sachets over each eye for at least 10 minutes.

7. Do not eating breakfast

Sometimes the lack of time, the rhythm of life that we lead today and many other reasons, prevents us from having breakfast. And although we think that adopting this habit contributes to losing weight, the truth is that by doing so, our body consumes its own protein deposits, including skin collagen. What undoubtedly decreases its elasticity, causes the appearance of wrinkles, sagging and consequently also premature aging. 

8. Poor diet

Many of us commonly fall into this habit, even including less nutritious foods in our diet. Which do not provide the enough vitamins and minerals that we need, and that includes our skin. These foods when consumed in excess make us age faster. Since, they directly affect the elasticity and tone of the skin.

Envejecer prematuramente mujer comiendo hamburguesa

These are the foods that make us age prematurely, learn how you can substitute them

To combat free radicals that cause aging, we must first consume foods rich in nutrients including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and olive oil.

Similarly, drink more water and natural juices instead of sugary drinks. As well as reducing the consumption of red meat, to only twice a week, choosing to incorporate in our diet the consumption of eggs, legumes or blue fish.

For its part, sugar and spicy also directly affect blood vessels and reduce skin elasticity. So some healthy options include eating fresh fruits that contain natural sugars and using spice salt.

Processed foods and meats also often contain trans fats and additives that can harm skin collagen. So the recommendation is to reduce or moderate their consumption as well as that of butter or margarines that have hydrogenated fats. The latter can be replaced by healthy fats such as avocado or olive oil.

As for refined salt, it reduces the production of collagen. Therefore, we must consume it in moderation and we can even replace it with unrefined salt and spices such as oregano or thyme.

9. Drinking too much alcohol

Although small amounts contribute to having a healthy heart. Excessive alcohol consumption is a habit that can have serious consequences on our health, such as heart failure, high blood pressure and liver cirrhosis.

Envejecer prematuramente mujer tomando cerveza
Image By Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

In addition to this, alcohol interferes with the production of collagen and cell regeneration. Likewise, it prevents the adequate flow of blood, dehydrates the skin and removes nutrients, making it look dull and tired.

Therefore, we must moderate its consumption or replace it with healthier beverages, such as infusions, flavoured water, among others. 

As you can see, avoiding the signs of premature aging is on your hands. Are you willing to change these habits?