In the same way that the nervous system coordinates the activity within the physical body, there are centers in the energy body that help integrate with our physical vehicle, with our minds and with our emotions. These energy centers are called chakras, and each are activated by different stones.

In the brain there are several areas that relate to different physical and mental performance, thus, each of these centers is also related to various functions. They are located not only in the head, but throughout the body.


Then we explore the seven major chakras, along with their respective precious stones. The first chakra is the root, at the base of the spine. Its function is the security and survival of man, its element is earth (mineral kingdom), its color is red and the stones that activate are: ruby, red coral, garnet, red jasper, tiger eye, hematite, agate and black tourmaline.

Then follows the sexual chakra, located in the lower abdomen; symbolizes sexuality and creativity, its element is water (the plant kingdom), its orange color and the stones that balance its energy are: amber, agate, coral, citrine, moonstone and coral.


The Solar Plexus chakra is in the abdomen. Its function is power and achievement, the fire element (the animal kingdom), the yellow color and stones that control its energy are: citrine, tiger eye, malachite, calcite and topaz.

The fourth chakra is the Heart, located in the center of the chest. Its function is the love, the air element (the human realm), its color is green and gemstones are emerald, prehnite, green quartz, olivine, jade, rose quartz, green calcite and green tourmaline.

The throat chakra has a function of communication, is associated with the angelic realm, its color is blue and the stones that help you to balance your energy are: turquoise, Angelite, chalcedony and blue topaz. On the other hand, the chakra of the Third Eye is at the center of the forehead, its function is intuition, its kingdom is the archangels, the color indigo and stones that correspond to it are lapis lazuli, sodalite, iolite, sapphire amethyst, purple fluorite and obsidian.


The last chakra it is the Crown, is on top of the head, its function is cosmic consciousness, its element is the Creator, its color is purple and the stones that activate it are: selenite, amethyst, diamonds, quartz and rock crystal.

Precious stones that correspond to each chakra are usually related to their color. You have different mineral options to enhance the energy flow of each of the centers. You can use the intention and intuition to activate the healing power of stones.