Some studies say the dating or intimate relationships can bring numerous advantages and benefits for both men and women, as long as the relationship develop in a harmonious and stable environment.

Having boyfriend helps you to develop your emotional maturity and that of your partner. Get to know the tastes, interests, feelings and goals of a person of your age, but from the opposite sex. Begin to recognize the seriousness of commitment and learn to use the sense of responsibility.

It also helps you to fight selfishness since identify feelings which are inherent to couples, increasing your ability to solve problems and working in your ability to detect if the man helps you to become into a better person or if he is just causing troubles.


Often, loneliness or individual life are not as nice as they seem. It is required to meet new people constantly tripping over some dates. Be with a stable partner is warm and safe, and provides a sense of stability.

Another advantage of having a partner is having sex guaranteed. Having a long of time having sex with the same person makes it more enjoyable.

To have a successful relationship you must follow certain tips that will help you to stay in a friendly and happy environment. For example, say goodbye to jealousy. Stop temper tantrums when he’s with his friends, and you do not stop talking to your friends because of him.


Both have the right to meet other people. Banning each other from sharing with others, only isolated from the rest of the world and you will end up bored.

Mutually respect family. Do not make comments, or jokes, if her aunt is a witch or his father should live in a madhouse. Neither let him put nicknames to your brother or say that your sister is unbearable. If you make sick jokes, you will be very close to finishing hurting seriously, watch out!

Romantic details must be many, but not suffocating; send him texts or write a tender letter from time to time. Do not force the relationship, let it flow without being forced to do or say things that do not feel. Behave affectionate, but control your pace. Do not stick to him like a leech when he just wants to hold your hand, quiet!


You can have many friends, but when things are bad or good, if you are in a stable relationship, have a permanent support. It’s good to have someone willing to support our dreams or comfort our misfortunes.

Teamwork is often very comforting. When life puts you on test, or simply in the day to day in which we must strive to make money and survive, having a partner is the best that can exist to lighten the load. The feeling of not being alone is very pleasant.