One of the most beautiful and delicate pieces of jewelry that exists are pearls, which is why it’s necessary to keep in mind a series of advices to take care of them and avoid that they slowly lose that bright and natural beauty that characterizes them and, in consequence, suffer fissures that reduce their lifespan. This happens because of the composition of these gems, some kind of organic matter called nacre. This is why we’ve prepared some advices so that you may prolong the life of your jewels that contain pearls:


  1. Avoid at all costs the contact with chemical products like: alcohol, detergents, makeup, lotions, creams, hairspray, perfumes and other cosmetics, because they contain agents that with time accelerate the deterioration of our pearls. The recommendation would be to apply any cosmetic product and then wait some minutes before putting on any accessory that contains pearls.
  2. Procure a cleaning after each use. For this, when you remove your jewels, use a soft towel lightly wet by water because during their use they may have absorbed impurities from cosmetics or transpiration; this way we take away all that has been in contact with the jewel. In case this isn’t enough to take away the residual elements, use a little bit of neutral pH soap, you will see how it eliminates the filth.
  3. Keep them in a place at constant temperature, because pearls are made of organic matter which makes them sensitive to sudden temperature and humidity changes which may provoke in them deep desiccation.
  4. Avoid contact with other jewels. Pearls are more delicate than the rest of the materials used in jewelry, which is why it’s necessary to avoid at all costs storing them in plastic bags, because some plastics release chemicals that could damage them. So, store them in an individual box that’s destined just for them, this way they will remain isolated from the rest of the jewels thus avoiding scratches on the surface that could appear because of the constant friction with other precious stones and harder materials.
  5. Realign your pearls every two years. If you frequently use your jewels, the silk thread debilitates after this period of time, and it might even get dirty, which is why it’s recommended not to clean it but to take it to a professional jeweler to be threaded again.
  6. Do a periodic maintenance. In case you don’t use your pearls for a long time, it’s advisable to upkeep them once a year with a damp cloth; you will avoid desiccation with it.

 It’s impossible to guarantee the lifespan of a pearl, but if taken care of correctly, they may last for generations, which is why if you follow these advices that we’ve offered you to meticulously, surely these accessories will become a part of your family heritance for over 100 years.
