As parents, out biggest concern will always be giving our kids what’s best. However, in their quest to achieve this, some parents end up generating the rich kid syndrome in their kids.


Also known as “affluenza”, by the union of the words “affluence” and influenza, referring to the flu virus, it could be etymologically interpreted as the richness flu, although  in a broader sense it is about a social epidemic, and its main characteristics are excessive materialism and the search for wealth and success for our children. According with Ralph Minear, pediatrician and professor at Harvard University, this behavior could have negative consequences on physical and emotional health of children.


Although it seems to be a disorder associated with upper class families, you will be surprised to know that the rich kid syndrome is more common in middle class families, where parents spend less time with their kids, so they try to compensate it with gifts. They try to accelerate their children’s triumphs and achievements by enrolling them in multiple activities and exerting a constant pressure to make them succeed in everything, because according with hem, this is the only way for them to have what their parents could never give them.

Although “affluenza” has not been recognized as a disorder by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association, which is considered by many the bible of psychiatry, psychological and physical symptoms were identified, including headaches, phobias, stress, lack of interest, aggressiveness and behavioral disorders.

In this regard, experts warn that once the rich kid syndrome is present, the child often has harmful behaviors, such as the use and abuse of drugs or alcohol. Considering the consequences the rich kid syndrome may have on our children, it’s necessary to understand and identify its causes, in order to establish the main ones: excess freedoms and privileges, excessive pressure and overprotection.

Siendo lo más recomendable, además de evitar los excesos y dejarles vivir cada etapa de su niñez sin presiones, enseñarles a valorar lo que tienen, así como dedicar tiempo para orientarlos y disfrutar con ellos las actividades que les gustan. Esto garantizará criar niños felices, responsables y con la preparación necesaria para enfrentar los retos de la vida. Recuerde que tenerlo todo no siempre garantiza la felicidad.

A common point between these causes lies in the fact that they’re all associated with parents, so it is our responsibility to take preventive measures and avoid this. We recommend avoiding excesses and letting your child live every stage of his or her childhood without pressure. Teach them to value what they have and spend your time guiding them and enjoying activities with them. This will ensure raising happy children, who are responsible and prepared to face their challenges in life. Remember that having everything is not always a sign of happiness.



  1. Susan Wallach says:

    This was really helpful for me, being a first time mother, since i tend to care a little too much about my son’s material possessions.

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