In the world of astrology there are different factors and elements that play a determining role when it comes to making people, events and / or situations of a country, region, company or individual in particular analysis. In this way, astrological predictions are usually associated with zodiacal signs, because they are the ones that people know most, however, there is a lot of complementary information that is framed in other elements that are directly related to the planets and their location in each sign according to the date, time and place of birth of the people.

Within this series of elements that help to perform astrological analyses are the twelve houses that make up the astral charts, which represent the different areas of life and in which a particular planet is located in the natal chart to indicate the area where This manifests its energy, varying the meaning of the houses according to the perception of each person about the personal experiences within a certain area. Next we will explain what each house represents, which sign prevails in it and what aspects of life are associated with:

We are going to start obviously with the House 1 that represents the personality and points out the Ascendant (AC) that provides the types of experiences that will allow the formation of the personality of an individual from birth, being able to say that the characteristics of the ascendant sign and those of the planets that are in this house are reflected in the personality, often more than those of the sun sign.

Consequently, the way in which house number one is influenced, called the house of Aries, defines the way each person shows up to others, being the framework for the presentation of the particular characteristics of the inner self, which is symbolized by the sun, and that through the ascendant connects the individual with the world, achieving the projection of its personality, taking into account that Aries grants vitality, strength and initiative, associating itself with the beginnings and the childhood.

On the other hand, House 2 where Taurus lives, represents personal resources of a material, intellectual nature, which provides the skills and talents that are available to achieve the objectives and goals that are outlined in the life project in order to obtain security and stability. On the other hand, this house identifies the scale of values of individuals, as well as the degree of attachment to possessions and how they are handled and used to achieve material and immaterial objectives.

In this way, this house is materially associated with money, purchasing power, the ability of people to manage resources, which obviously includes generating income, saving, overcoming debts, acquiring properties, among others things.

In House Number 3 corresponding to the sign of Gemini, it represents the concrete mind, generally associating with the way of thinking, the ability to relate and communicate and the capacity for learning, which characterizes the way people relate to each other in the family, social and labour. Another aspect that is included in this house are the events and / or situations that arouse the curiosity that favours the realization of activities such as studying, investigating, traveling, among others, which open the mind to new things or information.

Passing to House Number 4, typical of the sign of Cancer, represents the roots, the family origin and is called Fodo Cielo (FC). Through the knowledge of the basic aspects of this house, you can have access to information related to parents, with the way we perceive them, according to how the planets are in the said house, unconsciously reflecting what they learned in the childhood.

House Number 5, represented by Leo, reflects the creativity and self-expression of people, from where they connect with the inner child to get the most spontaneous and informal of each person, highlighting the way they fall in love, the courtship, the need to feel attractive, the methods used to attract others, ways to have fun, hobbies, among other aspects. It also relates to children as a projection or extension of themselves, as well as how to relate to them and to children in general.

Some aspects of utmost importance for any person are work, daily routine and health, which is represented by House Number 6, which is identified by the sign of Virgo, so that its analysis in a given astral chart guides to an astrologer to decipher what kind of work the individual can perform, in what way they can serve others, in addition to their probable attitude when facing daily obligations and especially subordination. It is also related to diseases and therefore to health.

Regarding House Number 7 or relationships, we must emphasize that this is the opposite of House Number 1 and its top marks the Descendant, which identifies the sign that is placed on the horizon during the birth of a person, and which represents the way we relate to other people.

It is associated with the sign of Libra, which in addition to representing relationships, commitment and / or cooperation, so it guides the decisions regarding events such as marriage, partnerships, associations, involving some kind of contracts, both materials as spiritual, so the planets that are located in this house have to do with the ability to maintain this type of relationship and the type of people involved.

In House Number 8, there are common goods, material losses, sexuality, transformation, the occult and death; determining the attitude that can be had when they face it, although it also has to do with the transformation and the capacity of regeneration or recovery of a situation that not only means the physical death, but also some stage or project that is carried out, that Scorpio rules as a sign of changes, transformations and instability, and is opposite to house number 2, which represents own resources versus shared resources.

Therefore, this house is related to inheritances, other people’s property and taxes. In addition, the curiosity for the unknown, the hidden and the mysterious stands out in this house, which is why it is usually associated with the fears faced by people, as well as the deepest secrets and desires that are not revealed.

The trips and studies that the person to whom the astral chart tends to develop, are aspected in House Number 9, which governs Sagittarius and represents the outside and the far, associating therefore with long trips, as well as higher studies and philosophy, religion, or spirituality. This house is related to the abstract mind and superior ideals, so it is opposite to House Number 3 which represents the concrete mind and the relations with the closest environment.

House Number 9 is of the utmost importance because it is related to much deeper topics, that is why it is considered as the house of spiritual masters, where people seek the reason of existence, the transmission of wisdom.

House Number 10 is governed by Capricorn and is associated with authority and power, whose peak coincides with the Midheaven (MC), which represents social realization, the achievement of objectives and goals, in addition to vocation and vocational work, where status, success and social recognition are fundamental elements for the development in the social environment.  Important values such as will, perseverance and constancy are identified to achieve objectives within each person’s life project.

Next we have House Number 11, governed by the sign of Aquarius and is opposite House Number 5 ruled by Leo. This house represents the groups or associations we have in our environment, which includes friends, colleagues and those who are part of the projects.

For these reasons, House Number 11 is associated with integration and social life, with teachers and anyone who leaves us learning in the life project we have.

Finally, House Number 12 whose astrological regency is Pisces that represents the mystical world, dreams, intuition and the collective unconscious, which symbolizes through this house something beyond earthly life, to deepen the knowledge of the internal world, in the vision we have about the afterlife or life after life. On the other hand, it is opposite to House Number 6 that represents health, so it is associated with chronic diseases, hospitals, prisons, monasteries, confinements and long retreats, as well as hidden enemies.

In this way, hidden or unknown strengths and weaknesses and the emergence of insecurities, fears and complexes are identified in this house, however if the planets that are in this house at the time of birth are strong, positive qualities emerge to face difficult situations and a greater understanding of everything related to the spiritual world.

Thus, the planets that are located in each house at the time of birth, are determinant to identify and analyse the characteristics of each person and the circumstances to which they can face and that can be used by both the astrologer and the person consulted, to guide their decisions in their life project, and in this way achieve objectives in a more fluid way.