The lines, also known as crow’s feet can cause the skin of your face look visibly distressed. The reflection of the emotions on your face, the repeated movement of the muscles of the face, the daily exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun or simply the passage of time, can make clear these shallow marks usually appear around eyes, forehead, between the eyebrows and mouth.

Even though is totally that everyone present a greater or lesser some of these lines, you must be very careful with them and try to combat using the various alternatives that exist today, otherwise, they may detract beauty to your face increasing age and becoming in pronounced wrinkles.

Fine lines are mainly formed by the loss of collagen and skin elasticity. However, other factors that can influence are: genetics, because if most of your family members have a large number of lines, you probably also suffer from this problem; the sun, which is undoubtedly one of the greatest enemies of the skin, especially the face, because it affects the levels of collagen and dry it, creating an ideal place for the appearance of fine expression lines; repetitive movements of your face as when you laugh, cry or show concern, leave footprints on your face; also some unhealthy habits like drinking alcohol regularly, smoking and poor diet in fruits and vegetables, accelerate aging of your skin.

A series of exercises to help prevent these lines, and here we share to always look a fresh and young skin:

  • Front: This is one of the areas most affected by the lines, the best exercise to combat them is to frown and hold the position for 5 seconds, then return to starting position.
  • Eyes: To prevent the lines that formed around the eyes, you can place your fingers on the eyelids eyes closed pressing down slightly and try to raise the eyebrows.
  • Cheeks: They tend to look tired and aged when flaccid, so fill your cheeks with air, and hold a few seconds, finally exhale slowly.
  • Jowl: To work the bottom of the cheeks and the corners of the lips, try a smile as wide as possible, rest and repeat this procedure five times.


Besides this, it is also recommended to reduce the signs of aging by having a restful sleep every night, for sleeping, growth hormone helps to improve skin condition; include in your food proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the right proportions; drink between 2-3 liters of water a day; avoid smoking, because smoking the walls of blood vessels are reducing the supply of oxygen to tissues and causing premature aging; and last but not least, use sunscreen daily and sunglasses.