People with Cancer Ascendant are characterized by being very sensitive. They perceive and experience what is happening to them very deeply within themselves and process it emotionally. In addition, they are very empathetic when dealing with other people and can easily put themselves in their place. Do you want to know more about the personality traits of this ascendant and how it influences the zodiac signs? Take a look! Here we will tell you everything you want to know about the Cancer Ascendant.

Cancer Ascendant
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Personality traits of the Cancer Ascendant

In the Cancer Ascendant, the ruling planet is the Moon. This has a connection to intuition and sensitivity, as well as mood swings as it is constantly changing. It is likely that, if you have this ascendant, you are intuitive and very sensitive, and tend to hide that sensitivity under a tough exterior, such as the Crab. Let’s look at certain personality traits of someone with a Cancer Ascendant.


Your Cancer Ascendant makes you friendly, but always cautious to protect yourself and your loved ones from unseen dangers. People come to you for comfort. You have a kind of motherly figure within you that attracts hurt and frightened people looking for a safe haven.

A family person

People with their sign with Cancer Ascendant are particularly attached to their home and family and tend to accumulate items that are valuable to them. They do not see luxury so much as the comfort and security offered by a place they can call “their own”. Especially when they feel threatened or vulnerable.

Very emotional

They have a deep and ingrained need to feel accepted and loved. Therefore, emotional gratification is more essential and important to them than any other value in their life. For a Cancer Ascendant, success is measured by the hugs they can receive upon returning home after a tiring day and the love they can feel around them.

Sometimes this need for love and security can make them feel jealous or possessive since they constantly want to be the center of attention of their loved ones and they feel deeply hurt when that is not the case.


You have a very well-developed intuition that you can easily use to determine other people’s intentions. You can clearly see what others are thinking most of the time and that is a powerful weapon. Make sure to channel this energy wisely and towards a good purpose. Otherwise, you could end up losing the people you love because of your suspicions.


Financial security is for you the key to a happy family life and you know that this can only be achieved through hard work. People with Cancer ascendant make excellent employees. They are not afraid of hard work or responsibility and can perform the most demanding tasks quickly and efficiently.

Mood swings

Naturally, since the Moon constantly influences your mood, you are likely to suffer from mood swings. Going from being happy and content to disappointed and depressed very quickly. Women with Cancer Ascendant become particularly sensitive during the full moon. While men become more sensitive during the new moon.

Woman with Cancer Ascendant

Women with this ascendant tend to be possessive and insecure in their romantic relationships. When they feel neglected, they withdraw into themselves and turn their backs on their partner. They want to find a partner who is constant in their affections but often ends up in relationships with men in recovery.

They have no problem taking care of the children while their husband earns the money. But, they will not like being expected to carry the full weight of the house.

See also Cancer woman: personality trait, love, and work

The Cancer Ascendant and its influence on the zodiac signs

Whatever your sign, the Cancer Ascendant frees your imagination, your sensitivity and makes you sweeter, tender, reserved, distrustful, and more nostalgic. Let’s see how this ascendant influences each of the zodiac signs.

Aries with Cancer ascendant

This combination leads to many internal contradictions and a rather fluctuating mood. An Aries with this ascendant is independent and capable of achieving a lot in their life. But, their great sensitivity stimulates you quite a lot.

Taurus with Cancer ascendant

This combination makes Taurus more social and gives them the potential to become very popular. They love deeply and most likely have a happy family life. They like order and security and will not allow anything or anyone to disturb their lives.

Gemini with Cancer ascendant

This combination makes Gemini volatile and complex. Also, that they can express their feelings and be very creative. They are also unpredictable and possess great imagination and intuition, which often lead to strange situations.

Cancer with Cancer ascendant

A Cancer with this ascendant is very sensitive. No matter how old they are, they will always feel like a child in need of love and care. They look for a loyal partner who makes them feel secure and this will lead to a happy marriage.

Leo with Cancer ascendant

The contradictory forces of water and fire create an inner uncertainty that pushes Leo to abandon their ideas and plans when they do not have immediate results. Still, their perseverance will help them start over from the beginning and allow them to rise to the top.

Virgo with Cancer ascendant

When a Virgo has a Cancer Ascendant, he or she is hypersensitive but tries to bury his or her feelings deep within himself or herself. He or she has a great imagination and can easily adapt to every environment and situation. In the same way, they have a great professional capacity, know how to prepare themselves thoroughly for their work, and perform their duties with great perseverance.

Libra with Cancer ascendant

With this ascendant, Librans develop a strong personality and their interests are centered on their house and home. They may spend a lot of time and money creating a warm environment in which they can live with love. Professionally, they are suited for jobs related to a family business, sales, or interior design.

Scorpio with Cancer ascendant

A Scorpio with this ascendant has deep emotions, as well as a wonderful sense of humor. They can love deeply, but this combination makes them prone to give in to temptation or spend money on having fun. If their partner hurts them, their reaction will be brutal.

Sagittarius with Cancer ascendant

When Sagittarius has a Cancer Ascendant, he or she shows a complex personality and it is difficult for him or her to understand others. They are sensitive, have a good imagination, and a great artistic ability. They love their comforts and enjoy movement and change.

Capricorn with Cancer ascendant

Capricorns with this ascendant are very ambitious, but also vulnerable. Their family environment plays an important role in their development and often determines their success or failure. However, their rich imagination often allows them to experience unusual situations and adventures.

Aquarius with Cancer ascendant

They seem sensitive, vulnerable, and romantic, but, actually, they are very strange and completely unpredictable. In their love life, they have a thirst for freedom, on the one hand, but, on the other, they want to “put down roots” and be deeply in love.

Pisces with Cancer ascendant

When Pisces has this ascendant, they are quite sensitive and with constant mood swings. Their sense and intuition can guide them in uncertain situations. They are constantly on the go, active, and trying to learn new things.