The word chakras comes from Sanskrit and it means wheel. According to the Hindus, the chakras are centers of energy and they don’t exist in the physical form; however, they have a strong connection with the physical body.

All elements of the universe are made up of energy and mankind is not exempt of this. This energy is in constant motion and is located in different parts of the body, called chakras; each of which is closely related to the welfare of the individual, and although there are many energy centers in the human being, there are mainly seven which are responsible for keeping everything in balance.

The seven main chakras are located along the dorsal spine, and each one depending on its location, is related to a physical or mental human aspect.


The first chakra (“muladhara“): is located between the genitals and the anus. It is associated with the sense of security of the person and is the muscle of strength.

The second chakra (“svadhisthana“): is located in the center of the abdomen, right in the sacrum bone. It is known as the sexual chakra, as it stimulates the person to be able to love and to maintain a healthy relationship with their partner.

The third chakra (“manipura”): is located between the solar plexus and the navel. It has to do with the person’s feeling of well-being and self-esteem.

The fourth chakra (“anahata“): is known as the heart chakra as it is located right in the center of the chest. It has a strong influence on the person’s ego, it maintains humble human beings and provides harmony to your life.

The fifth chakra (“visshudda“): being located in the throat, is associated with communication skills and creativity. It allows the human being to convey their ideas clearly.

The sixth chakra (“ajna“): located in the area of the “third eye”, it helps the person to pay more attention to our instincts when it comes to making crucial decisions in life.

The seventh chakra (“sahasrara“): it is called the chakra of consciousness, because it is located at the head or crown. It represents the connection between human beings and their consciousness and spirituality.

The energy of the chakras moves in the clockwise direction and when one of these is blocked, the sense of movement and change can be affected by physical or psychological level. To avoid this, you should keep your chakras open and in balance, to provide constant stimulus.

There are many ways to do this, among them are: yoga, aromatherapy, crystal therapy, meditation or acupuncture, to name a few.

todos los chakras

If you are currently crestfallen, sick or have low self-esteem; there is a good chance that one of your chakras is blocked. Try practicing some of the therapies mentioned above to get rid of the bad vibes and this might be the perfect solution to your problems.



  1. Sophie says:

    Such an interesting tweet, I heard about chakras throughout the years and it is a concise writing that expose some of the main topics of this spiritual energy within us all.

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