Bad luck. It is a force that we human beings can’t control and it has the capacity of attracting bad things to our destiny. Bad luck is responsible of unfortunate events both in love, at work and in our social life. Bad luck can also be defined as an unlikely event which somehow becomes real, causing a whole lot of bad things.


Bad luck has two main ways of being thought of. Some believe that an unfortunate event is the result of chance, while other people believe it to be a result of something superstitious. In numerology there are explicit references to bad luck, classifying numbers into lucky and unlucky ones. This conception is taken in such a way that there are Asian cultures which actively search for lucky numbers in license plates, postal addresses or phone numbers, and all of these can be worth huge sums of money.

Bad luck is a phenomenon considered as a phalacy by rationality, but there are experts who have researched deeply its roots and power, and the result of that research has concluded in advices, proven by science, to put bad luck at bay in your destiny.


The psychologist, Richard Wiseman, built a team to work in the University of Hertfordshire to discover the best way of changing a streak of less than likely and unfortunate events. As an experimental sample, more than 1000 people were submitted to the test, which had shown little success and prosperity in different aspects of their lives.

Although bad luck is commonly considered as a phenomenon which can’t be controlled by humans, Wiseman states that this is completely false. “People can change their luck, because it is not something supernatural, instead it is a fact that we create with our thoughts and attitudes towards life”. As a result, the specialist applied a series of exercises, ending with a radical change of luck of 80% of the participants, while in average participants assured that their good luck increased about 40%.


Among the exercises implemented by Wiseman, the expert said that to change luck one only need three premises: maximizing opportunities, listening to the heart and looking at the glass half full instead of looking at it half empty. Regarding the first recommendation, Wiseman explains that there are certain types of personalities which help to increase the opportunities of success. Being extroverted will allow you to know new horizons; being open minded will give the possibility of analyzing new ways of looking at life; and being patient is especially helpful because longing is a classical enemy of seeing latent opportunities.

About listening to the heart, the researcher affirms that “people with bad luck does not usually follow their intuition, because they don’t know where it comes from and feel anxious because of that and by the decision they have to make”, looking at life with optimism is the best to create new opportunities in your destiny, so try to always look at the glass half full, instead of half empty.