Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to see clearly beyond our eyes. This means that the clairvoyant in your extrasensory perception, not involving at all the logic of the mind, much less human vision.

This technique use as thinking support, those mechanisms or parts of your brain that allows the imagination to perceive the visualization. The study is interesting, you won’t use divination tools like the pendulum, tarot, snails or any form of sorcery.


The psychic enters in the space of your sixth sense, aiming to capture the phenomena that fall outside the scope of your normal senses; guessing future circumstances and events in the past. Through clairvoyance the individual captures a real physical picture of the mind of another person, a spiritual entity or any space where important events have happened.

The scientific basis for clairvoyance, are based on two bodies called pineal gland and pituitary body, found in the brain. Until now the experts have not been able to discover what are these parts for, in other words, they don’t know the function of both; they think that are atrophied.


But actually the pineal gland is the third eye that develops our mind in a state of rest or sleep; until we give it the right use. In ancient times human beings, they could easily develop those part of the body; because it was the only source of sharpness and insight that they had to move to a broader mental plane.

Today, despite the advances in scientific and technological development; People still don’t believe in something that is so obvious, this is so unfortunate. This causes that these important parts of our brain remain unable to wake up, hampering the progress of clairvoyance.

However, those who have the ability to set their minds on the basis of see the mysteries unattainable through our eyes; you can perform an intuitive reading to individuals that need these services. In this mental interpretation things look so real, even if these things happened a long time ago.


Your minds are like investigating officers, interpreting the different images with illustrative reflections of perception; managing to resolve what was hidden from the eyes of that person. They have the potential to eventually help improve the provisions on the subject’s life, after watching the events surrounding its existence.

Even in many countries people seek help of these experts, to solve cases that are beyond the common sense and intelligence of the police detectives. Many of those issues have been resolved so quickly, causing shock and disbelief by people.

The truth of a controversial issue, can only be checked by ourselves; living firsthand an experience that is fascinating and mysterious, but undeniably has an explanation.