It is true that the appearance of dark circles is attributed to fatigue or lack of sleep very often, however, the appearance of these annoying grayish or purple spots on the lower part of the eyes, which give the face a sad and aged appearance, can have various causes, each of these brings with it a remedy to disguise them.

Factors as simple as genetics are able to influence the appearance of dark circles, if in your family there are people with dark circles, it is likely that sooner or later they will appear on your own face. Also, people of Mediterranean race are more prone to the appearance of dark circles, since the pigmentation under the eyes is greater than those belonging to less dark races.

In addition, thin skin also makes blood vessels more evident and dilated and, in general, the passage of time causes skin to lose its elasticity and become thinner. Another important factor for the appearance of dark circles are diseases, such as allergies, conjunctivitis and eczema, which make the skin irritate when rubbed, and the blood accumulates in the blood vessels of this area, causing the annoying dark circles. However, for each type of dark circles, there are a lot of ways to disguise them and even make them disappear.

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If your dark circles appeared due to the loss of elasticity of the skin, which comes with age, you can treat them with mesotherapy, with some growth factors, with hyaluronic acid for hydration, silicon and amino acids or, if you prefer more permanent methods, you can use radiofrequency, peeling or laser. When some grooves appear under the eyes and a displacement of the fatty balls, what is known as sunken dark circles is produced, for which the best remedy will be to apply infiltrations with hyaluronic acid.

Coloration dark circles can also appear, and although the best alternative to treat this type of dark circles is to prevent them with sunscreen, they can also be disguised with peeling and a good depigmenting cream. On the other hand, dark circles due to circulatory problems are more evident, they have a purple or bluish color and are more noticeable over time. To treat these dark circles you can use Vitamin K creams and drains.

The most common dark circles are temporary, which appear due to lack of sleep, and although they usually disappear without any treatment, they can get better with massage, drainage and cold compresses, being the compresses of chamomile one of the most effective home remedies against dark circles.

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