Surely many times you’ve heard the famous phrase: “Where there is no hair is happiness”, how true is it? Or maybe you’ve heard that laser hair removal causes cancer, myth or reality?

In recent years, technology has evolved rapidly and when it comes to female beauty, aesthetics and personal care is always present; Laser hair removal is one of these developments, it is a method that is becoming stronger; however there are still doubts about its effectiveness, safety and the damage that can cause to the skin.

Let’s start by clarifying that do not cause cancer, but causes skin diseases such as dermatitis and third degree burns; these sometimes can become skin cancer, this is why you must have a medical evaluation before undergoing this method and yes, it is true, is permanent; but not definitive, reaching a result of only 80 or 90% hair removal.

Consultation with a specialist is absolutely necessary to determine whether or not you are a candidate for this type of hair removal, because if a person has burns, wounds, skin irritation or some disease like mushrooms, can’t undergo this treatment. You should take into account the color of your hair because the process is not very effective on light blonde or reddish color, and those that already do not have pigmentation; that is, white or gray.


Experts say that the results and dangers of hair removal depend on the area where is perform. The most sensitive of all is the face, it is visible and is always exposed to the sun; another area that requires attention is the genital area because need special care, especially in the pubic area; because it does not have the protection that you have the rest of the epidermis, often you need to use anti-inflammatory cream.

Tired of having to endure pain with tweezers or having to repeatedly take them out with razor blades? If you are in this situation and decide to opt for laser hair removal, you need to know that cannot be applied in the eyebrows area; as it can cause eye damage such as pain in the optical system, red eyes, distortion of the pupil, iris injury, cataracts and even retinal damage.

According to studies made by scientists from the moment that laser hair removal started to be use; infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV) have grown progressively since one of the functions of pubic hair is to defend these Agents.

Since we have told you about the disadvantages of this treatment is your responsibility to consider it application; just take the necessary precautions to avoid regretting the procedure and above all find a good specialist who offers the best service.