Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual disorders in men and the most difficult to manage for the couple. It is defined as the inability that man has to achieve and maintain the erection of the penis.

According to urologist Fabián Raigosa Londoño, an estimated 150 million men have suffered, at some time in their lives, of an erectile dysfunction which can occur at any time, either for physical or psychological reasons.

When this happens, many will ask “how can you know if it is a disorder or just an occasional situation?” In general, if this situation occurs 50% of the time that the man is going to have sex, then he suffers from this disorder and must see a specialist. If, on the contrary, it has happened only a few times, he may have been influenced by some external factors, and there is nothing to worry about.

However, for women, erectile dysfunction represents a serious frustration problem, since usually her partner refuses to recognize what is happening to him and begins to blame her, pointing out that she is pressuring him, that some characteristics of her body are influencing the situation, and many other arguments they use to justify what is happening.

Usually, the partner ends up feeling insecure and believes that she is not attractive to her partner. She could think that her partner is seeing someone else, or that he likes men, etc. All sorts of negative thoughts will be the order of the day, causing low self-esteem, depression, anger, and rejection towards his partner, who will see him as impotent.

On the contrary, for the man who suffers from it, there may be a total hermetism stopping him from talking about the subject, either for shame or for the different myths or taboos in the society. That brings frustration, depression, feelings of guilt, insecurity, fear, low self-esteem and even the end of the relationship.

Many times they will ask themselves what is causing it, and definitely there are multiple reasons that can lead to erectile dysfunction. Among them are some diseases and other external factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides, alcohol consumption, drugs, smoking, poor diet, lack of physical activity and advanced age. There is a low production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for sexual drive. Also psychological factors such as stress, fear, anguish and anxiety at the time of sexual intercourse.

The important thing is to understand that this disorder should be dealt with by specialists and as a problem of both members of the couple, not an individual issue. Since both are involved, especially the woman, she will assume a different position that will favor the quick resolution of this problem.