Some everyday foods can be delicious, but they can also represent a health problem due to all the damage they cause to the body. Since in some cases these foods can cause obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and even cancer. Reason why we must remove them from our diet as soon as possible in order to avoid affecting our physical and mental health and also our state of mind.

Alimentos cotidianos tienda de Comestibles Comprar Alimentos Everyday foods
Photo By Piqsels

Imagine then if we consume them regularly and together, the risk is much higher. Let’s discover below which are those everyday  foods that are most harmful and that we should avoid consuming regularly.

Soft drinks

It is no secret to anyone that soft drinks are bad for your health, as they contain too much sugar, dyes and aspartame in their composition. So their regular consumption makes them a safe ticket to diabetes. But that is not all they can do in our body, since they are also harmful to the skin, hormones and even the mood.

There is even research showing that drinking soft drinks is linked to early menstruation and poor semen quality. As well as the risk of developing cancer.

Canned foods

Although today many of us think that canned foods are very useful and a good alternative to fresh foods. Especially when we do not have time to cook. We must stop consuming them, since they are a hidden source of sugar and also contain preservatives. Among them a high sodium content that raises blood pressure.

In addition, they contain traces of bisphenol A (BPA), which even in low doses, has been linked to various types of cancer and developmental disorders. On the other hand, it is possible that we are ingesting aluminium, since when sealing them and then heating them to cook the food and supposedly retain its freshness. They also retain aluminium free radicals that have been released in the heating process, thus contaminating food.

Over a period of time, the accumulation of aluminium in the body can cause memory problems such as Alzheimer’s. Therefore, it is best to eat fresh food as much as possible.


This has become one of the everyday foods of many people around the world and one of our greatest enemies to fight. Since we are surely aware that almost everything has sugar and it can be addictive. Well, its consumption gives our brain a feeling of pleasure, by releasing large doses of dopamine. Making us want a cookie more than an apple or a carrot.

In addition to this, sugar also makes the skin age faster, damages the liver, making it resistant to insulin. Also increasing the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes and other negative effects. It basically ruins our body, so be sure to start using honey to sweeten tea and coffee instead of sugar. Also eat fresh food as much as possible, because all processed foods and ready-to-eat foods contain sugar.

Cured meats

Processed meats such as ham, sausage, and bacon are one of the everyday foods that we often consume on hot or cold sandwiches. But these types of meats are not entirely healthy, they are full of nitrates, sodium, preservatives and additives. Also, we do not always know where the meat was sourced and what else has been added to it in the process.

All of these substances have been associated with the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and even behavioural problems and learning difficulties in children. So we must avoid these foods.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oils, including safflower, sunflower, corn, cottonseed, and soy, are rich in linoleic acid. Which can lower LDL or “bad” cholesterol. However, some of these oils are genetically modified and at the moment, we have no idea what long-term effects they might have.

In addition, when heated, hydrolysis, oxidation and polymerization processes are triggered, rapidly degrading their properties and generating problematic compounds. Opt for healthier alternatives like olive oil, coconut, and avocado.


Among everyday foods, margarine has become an essential in the kitchen. But, we must know that it is made from vegetable oils (such as canola, olive, soy and safflower), water, salt, emulsifiers, butter flavouring, and colourings.

It is a highly processed product that is hydrogenated in order for the oils to remain solid at room temperature. Which turns some oils into fat afterwards, so the more solid a margarine is, the more trans-fat it will have.

Trans fats are considered “bad” fats because, like saturated fats, they can increase the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, we must replace them with much healthier alternatives for cooking such as coconut oil, olive oil and avocado oil.

Bottled dressings

Bottled dressings can enhance the flavour of other everyday foods such as salads. But, to improve their texture, they are mostly made from fats, which are not necessarily healthy. As well as sugars, and artificial colours, which have a negative impact on our body.

Instead, use fresh lemon juice, apple cider, or balsamic vinegar with olive oil. You will find that it is tastier and takes little time to make your own dressing.

Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners like aspartame, neotame, acesulfame potassium, etc., they are often used by some companies as substitutes for sugar in many of the everyday foods and beverages we consume. Although they may contain fewer calories, they are still harmful to our health. Increasing in us the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and metabolic syndrome.

Therefore, we must avoid those foods that contain them, being attentive to the labels of the foods we consume. Since many countries stipulate that food must be labelled and indicate its content.

Refined flour

White flour is one of the everyday foods present in the diet of many people. Also used in a wide variety of processed foods and baked goods, because it is lightweight and cheap. Unfortunately, refined flours lack vitamins and minerals.

For example, that of wheat is subjected to an industrial process in which finer and smaller particles are created. Eliminating in the process part of the fundamental components of whole grain flour, which causes it to lose its properties and nutrients. Compared to whole grain flours in which the whole grain is preserved.

So, according to the School of Public Health at Harvard University. Due to its glycaemic load, the consumption of these flours increases the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes and cancer.

Some healthy flours you can choose from are almond flour, coconut flour, buckwheat flour, teff flour, or quinoa flour.