Although fats are an important energy nutrient for the functioning of the body, you must consume foods rich in healthy fats, which are associated with the absorption of many vitamins, decrease the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). It should be noted that fats have 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and proteins have 4 calories, hence they are called “fattening”; and it is recommended to consume foods rich in healthy or unsaturated fats.

Aguacate Grasas Saludables Alimento

Avocado: It is a delicious food that contains 12 grams of unsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3, 6 and 9), which can cause a decrease in total and bad cholesterol (LDL), but favour the increase in good (HDL), in addition to having antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin B12, vitamin C, manganese, magnesium and fibres, reducing the absorption of fats from food and preventing their oxidation; This is why it is the first on the list of foods rich in healthy fats.

Hummus: It is a typical cream from North Africa, containing chickpeas and sesame; that it has amounts of calcium similar to that of cheese; without contributions of saturated fats, which is very beneficial for the body.

Sesame seeds: They are an important source of vitamins A and E, B complex, minerals, in addition to being the seeds that contain the most plant phytosterols, which help to inhibit the absorption of bad cholesterol. They contribute to reducing the chances of suffering from some types of cancer, to the production of red blood cells, to strengthening the bones and the immune system, etc.

Semillas de Sésamo Grasas Saludables Alimento

Flax seeds: prevent blood lipid levels from rising after a meal.  Its main health benefits are due to its rich content of alpha linolenic acid (ALA), dietary fibre and lignans. The fibres contained in these seeds promote intestinal function, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and the risk of heart attack. 

Chia seeds: They are considered as foods rich in healthy fats, because when consuming 30 grams of these seeds, 10 grams of unsaturated fats are ingested, such as α-linolenic acid and omega-3 acids; which lowers LDL, blood pressure and inflammation.

Bitter cocoa: It is one of the foods rich in healthy fats and with a high degree of antioxidants, but it must be consumed in the correct measure, only the one that has at least 70% cocoa, hence the maximum consumption is one 15-gram cube per serving.

Cacao Amargo Barra Alimento Grasa Saludable Antioxidantes

Virgin olive oil: It is composed of 98% fats, mainly oleic acid, which provides great benefits to the body. It has polyphenols that act as antioxidants on the body, it is rich in vitamins E and A, so they favour the development of sight, the maintenance of soft and bone tissues, and prevent infections.

Walnuts and almonds: They are some of the foods rich in healthy fats, which provide a good amount of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Its antioxidant power is due to vitamin E, which prevents healthy cells from being attacked, in addition to the fact that the folic acid they contain, favours the prevention of high concentrations of homocysteine, reducing the risk of heart disease. Also, its high magnesium content, favours blood pressure control.

Almendras Nueces Frutos Secos Grasas Saludables

Sardines and anchovies: They are foods rich in healthy fats, which promote cardiovascular health, because they have omega 3, which lowers the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides; prevent the formation of clots and the risk of thrombosis or atherosclerosis. In addition, the vitamin B6 that it has, makes this food recommended for people with asthma, diabetes, and even for those who suffer from cancer.

Hake: In addition to having omega 3; It contains antioxidants such as selenium and magnesium, which prevent fats from storing in the arteries when oxidized; and its high potassium content reduces blood pressure.

Tuna: It is one of the foods rich in healthy fats, which is a great source of minerals, vitamins and proteins of high biological value. Omega 3 fatty acids, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), make important contributions of energy to the body, favouring the absorption of calcium and the bile secretion process, in addition to maintaining skin elasticity, to produce sex hormones, and to regulate body temperature.

Salmón Atún Peces Mar Alimento Grasas Saludables

Salmon: It is one of the fish with the highest amount of fat, and they have great contributions of Omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats; that promote the functioning of the body.

Coconut: Coconut is very rich in saturated fats, but despite that they are very healthy, since 65% of those fats are medium chain triglycerides, which, when not stored, the body metabolizes them more easily, and therefore That way you get the necessary energy immediately.  

Quinoa: Its calorie intake is high, however, it also provides 16 grams of protein for every 100 grams, as well as 6 grams of unsaturated fats, which is why it is considered one of the foods rich in healthy fats.

Quinoa Alimento Grasas Saludables