Women face many problems, overcome them and still look beautiful and clean. These disadvantages tend to affect most women but is not an excuse to let oneself go by that.

The body and its care can cause you sleepless nights, but as there is always a solution for everything, must heed the following information if you are suffering from problems of swelling or inflammation in parts of your body.

This type of condition is usually due to the presence of fluid in the tissues, they may be organs, skin and other body parts. This accumulation causes enlargement of these, can cause rapid weight gain in a short period of time. You must also take into account that swelling may be present throughout the body or only in a localized area.

There are different reasons that vary the type of swelling: burns, chronic kidney disease, pregnancy, excess of salt or sodium, allergies, use of certain medications, premenstrual syndrome, poor nutrition, poor circulation, among others.

The most common areas where women have bloating, are: feet, abdomen and some other care for the bags under the eyes. They are generally not submitted for any serious condition but common situations.

In the case of abdominal inflammation, is due mainly to excessive consumption of certain dishes or food. Abdominal bloating produced by eating a heavy meal will go away when you digest food. Eating smaller portions helps prevent swelling.

Similarly, swollen feet or ankles after a long working day is not a permanent problem. Although this is more common in older people and does not cause any pain, rather than the discomfort of swelling. Note that this feature of swelling can be a sign of heart failure, kidney or liver failure, where is excess of fluid in the body.

It is common to present the problem after having been standing for a long time, also occurs in women who have been administered estrogen during the menstrual cycle. Pregnant women should be more careful because this inflammation may be due to preeclampsia or toxemia.

Bags under the eyes is also a pesky form of swelling and is produced by a bad night’s sleep, poor circulation or poor nutrition. But for this type of swelling fortunately presents the simplest solutions, there are many homemade recipes that will help you with your problem. Potatoes, cucumbers and tea bags are not spa myths, they really work relaxing the treated area.

Start a life on standby, most of the inflammation is due to salt intake. Prepare meals that are low in sodium, canned goods removed and read the labels. Try to balance mind and body.


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