The human brain is made up of a large number of nerve cells called neurons; these are specialized in receiving and transmitting information, they connect to form complex networks. The proper functioning of our mind depends on these connections; they are responsible for the ability to speak, the ability to learn, the conscious movements, the development of some skills and our memory. Our brain can also be exercised, there are habits that can undermine or enhance its functional abilities; learn how you can have healthy neurons.


There is food that will benefit your neurons; the human brain also needs energy, nutrients, healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates, micronutrients and water, these help maintain a healthy brain. Among recommended foods are: dried fruit, which provides minerals and vitamins that help maintain a good cardiovascular health, also fish, green vegetables, turkey, milk, avocado, banana, fruit and others; water consumption is also important, try to avoid drinking alcohol and sugary drinks.


Our brain needs to rest, a study from the University of Rochester Medical Center revealed that during sleep our brain activates a system that helps eliminate toxins, including harmful proteins associated with brain disorders such as Alzheimer. Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., was the leader of the study and he said that “This study demonstrates that when sleep and when awake the brain has various functional states. In fact, the restorative nature of sleeps seems to be the result of an active cleansing of the by-products of the neuronal activity that accumulates during the day.”


In the hippocampus is where most new neurons are produced. Some scientists discovered that sexual relations generate a lot of chemical elements in the brain, especially in this region. When sex is practiced, stress is reduced, one of the main inhibitors of neurogenesis; the process that involves the development of new neurons.

Physical exercise also stimulates the generation of new neurons; practicing aerobic sports regularly such as swimming, bike riding, jogging, or running helps us to be smarter.

Green tea has a lot of antioxidants, it increases dopamine and the production of alpha waves in the brain, its caffeine content and L-theanine act synergistically to improve our brain function.

The lack of brain stimulation can reduce our capabilities; experts recommend training our brains to think by reading a good book, holding an intelligent conversation, playing chess, doing exercises of reasoning, logic and memory, doing jigsaw puzzles, learning a language or playing a musical instrument.


Having a positive attitude before change, experimenting new things, changing our pattern of behaviour and being more creative are behaviours that activate our brain. I invite you to get out of your routine and to take care of your mental health.