To travel with babies, you must be very patient and follow some routines that will make the trip less complicated. It all depends on the age and character of your baby, because some just fall asleep and don’t bother at all, but others get nervous or irritated, and could complicate things a lot. So, below, we are going to give you some useful tips when traveling with babies:

Viajar con bebés Viaje Mujer Niño bebe Avión Asientos Traveling with babies

Remember how your baby is

It is important to start from the premise of what your baby is like, what he likes, dislikes, what customs he has, etc., because he will be the same on the plane, and will surely maintain the same attitudes that he assumes in your house, he will even keep his schedules, in case there are stopovers, and the time difference from one destination to another is considerable.

Based on this information that only you have, it is convenient that you draw up your planning when you are traveling with babies, so that the whole process is facilitated, at least in theory; everything will also depend on the circumstances of the flight.

Choose a flight at an appropriate time

When babies sleep a lot at night, it is advisable to choose a flight at night, which will of course depend on the availability of the airlines, the time of travel, and the advance with who have made the reservations. But, when traveling with babies, it is advisable to take these details into account.

Viajar con Bebés Vuelo Nocturno

Choose the right seat for your needs

If possible, request seats according to the size and weight of the baby. If you are traveling with babies younger than 7-8 months old, you should ask for the crib provided by the airlines, and ask for the seats in the front that have more space, but the armrests are not raised; which gives the option of placing the crib on the wall in front of the seat.

However, if you are traveling with babies who, because of their weight (more than ten kilograms), cannot sleep in the crib, and must sleep on top of you, or if you are lucky in the side seat, if it is empty. One of the best tips is to do this whole process well in advance, although there are trips, which leave unexpectedly, or with little time.

If two adults and a baby are traveling, it is a good idea to reserve two seats at the ends of a row of three seats; Because if the flight is not full, people generally don’t like to go in the middle and therefore it will be free for your baby.

Viajar con Bebés Avión Asiento Traveling with babies

Think about a way of entertainment beforehand

If you are traveling with babies, and of course you know their tastes and preferences well, you must find ways of entertainment, in case he gets bored, and becomes restless. For example, you can take your sketchbook, puzzles, movies or series on the tablet or cell phone, which do not require an internet connection, or obviously are recorded, they can be very useful, especially when it comes to long trips. However, we recommend that you do not post the videos when you get on the plane, save them in reserve for when things are getting difficult, and you should resort to an effective tool to entertain your baby.

You can also choose to bring him that favourite toy or doll, which are called “transitional”, which he always carries at home, and/or a new toy, that catches his attention, we all know that children when they see something new for them, they focus their attention on that object, which can get you out of trouble.

Change baby’s clothes before getting on the plane

Although it is not a guarantee that you will not have to change it during the flight, you should change it before boarding, so there is less chance that you will have to change it in the bathroom. Because space is quite limited, especially when they are between 1 and 3 years old, and they still wear diapers. If this is the case, it is recommended that only one adult enter the bathroom, and the other is left outside to pass the towels, diaper, baby powder, creams, etc.

Traveling with babies

Organize your luggage very well

When you travel with babies, you must organize your luggage very well, not to forget anything: especially your food, milk, medicines, toys, tablets, diapers, wet wipes, bottles, bottles or sucks, changes of clothes, especially when the flights are very long, among other things.

Take precautions with possible earaches

When traveling with babies, one of the frequently occurring problems is earaches at landing or take-off; so it is recommended to be attentive, have the suck handy, or any of the entertainment objects. Some people wear plugs that they provide on some airlines, but can be purchased in advance at a pharmacy.

Without a doubt, traveling with babies can be worrisome, but it does not have to be a traumatic or complicated experience, it just requires a little planning, patience and following some useful tips, like the ones we have given you. So do not wait any longer and dare to travel with them.