A GMO is a plant, animal microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified through the application of specific genetic material that enhances their development, avoiding the problems caused by the effects of climate change or pest damage. Fruits, vegetables, grains and animals can be genetically modified.


The first GM food was produced in the late nineties. Tomato and soybeans were the main examples of food treated with biotechnology. The benefits of these foods are the reduction of their growing period, the easiness to change their appearance and the effect of delaying ripening.  

The action of science on genetically modified food is a controversial issue that finds supporters and critics. Some people consider them a solution to the problems of famine in those areas disfavored by nature with less fertile soils. Other analyzes conclude that the creation of GMs are purely for the economic benefits of certain food production companies that can benefit from their investments in a shorter period of time.

Since its creation, the scientific community has been aware of the composition of GMOs. In the case of fruit, one assumes that in order to make them grow strong and resistant to pests, they must be treated with genes of some dried fruit, which would generate toxins and allergens that would threaten the health of consumers. To counteract this risk, it is requested that all food labels indicate their allergen content, raising awareness among individuals about what they are consuming.


For the World Health Organization (WHO), these foods are processed under security measures to ensure a positive impact on health and the environment. In its official website, the WHO says: “the GM foods that are currently available on the international market have been through food security assessments and are unlikely to pose any risk to health. There are no side effects to the human health as a result of the consumption of such foods”. The agency states that these foods have legal guarantees and do not pose any threat to consumers’ health.


The cultivation of GM crops is not an isolated case of private corporations. Nowadays, governments around the world support their use. In Bolivia, farmers have reported losses of 500 million dollars during 2016, due to a drought caused by the effects of climate change. To address the problem and avoid a drop in production and food shortages, the authorities of the Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade (IBCE) found it necessary to use genetically modified seeds.

Genetically modified food offers traits that cannot be compared to any other technology. And despite all precautions, there are no specific cases of adverse effects on health, whereas there are benefits that can have an impact on the health and the economy of a country.



  1. Demi Johansonn says:

    My husband is a Biological engineer, he assures me that GMOs are completetly safe… GMOs are the future for our food supply..

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