Learning to interpret dreams may seem complicated to you, or that only a specialist in the dream world can do. But the truth is that you do not need to be an expert or have a dream dictionary to understand what they mean. When you do, you will be able to use that knowledge to guide you through life’s decisions and challenges. Next, we will share some tips so you can learn how to interpret dreams and become your own interpreter. Read to the end!

Why should we learn to interpret dreams?

Dreams provide valuable information about many aspects of life. They can deepen our knowledge and understanding of ourselves and the challenges we face every day. One of the most effective ways to understand what your dreams mean is learning to interpret them for ourselves.

By learning to interpret dreams, we can begin to use this information with all kinds of things in your life. Dream interpretation can help us understand a situation more clearly. Obtain useful information for our work life, learn to improve our relationships.

Likewise, through dreams we can identify our emotions, besides, it helps us to personal growth and spiritual development. Develop and trust our intuition.  Since dreams are of a very personal nature, that is why we ourselves are the best interpreter of our dreams.

How to interpret dreams and learn what they mean?

Write the dream in as much detail as possible

The more details you can provide about your dream, the easier it will be to establish associations and connections to define your own symbols and meanings.

Take note of anything that catches your eye. It is not always necessary to write down everything, but it is important to pay attention to details. The more details you can provide, the easier it will be to understand what your dreams are about.

Some tips for recording and writing down your dream

  • Do not worry about writing down in the sequential order of the dream: Write down in the order you remember things. The most important thing is that you capture your thoughts as quickly as possible to remember as many details as possible.
  • Do not try to think what things mean or analyze the dream as you write. Just write!
  • Use detailed language: Colors, textures, moods, emotions, feelings, thoughts.
  • Do not worry about writing in complete sentences, grammar, or spelling. You can then rewrite the dream to make sense of it.
  • Write down any feelings and emotions during the dream: This will give you a lot of information later on.
  • Write while the dream is fresh in your memory: Try to spend 5-10 minutes each morning after you wake up to quickly record your dreams.
  • It is better to write 2 sentences than nothing and forget everything later. If you cannot remember all the details, that is okay. You may be reminded of the dream later in the day.
  • Take note of the people, places and objects: These are often the key elements used to determine the meaning of a dream.

Go back and read the dream you just wrote

Say it out loud if it helps. Look for any word or symbol that catches your eye. Make a list of these words. Sometimes it can be helpful to go over the dream with a pen or pencil and highlight any words or topic that catches your eye. You can use colored pencils to differentiate the different elements present in the dream.

While you read the dream, determine what kind of dream it could be. The most common types of dreams are:

  • Dreams of liberation: Those are that help us process and organize all the information we collect every day.
  • Dreams with messages: It is when the dream is trying to tell you something.
  • Pre-cognitive dreams: Dreams that can predict the future or current events.
  • Lucid dreaming: Total control and awareness while dreaming.
  • Visitation dreams: Talking with the deceased.
  • Wish dreams: These are dreams when you get something you want and hope for.
  • Nightmares: Dreams that terrify you or leave you deeply saddened.

On the other hand, sometimes it is very helpful to think of your dreams as a story where there is an obvious setting, characters and plot. This can make it much easier to find the topic and identify possible symbols and metaphors in a dream.

Once you have identified which things stand out most, make a list of the important symbols in the dream. These can be characters, a setting, or even an action. Now that you have identified the focal points of the dream, you are ready to begin to interpret what it may mean.

Start making associations with symbols

Symbols are the language of our subconscious, through visual images and other things that we feel in our dreams, we can understand what these dreams can mean. There are many symbols for the interpretation of dreams. For example, dreaming about butterflies, parties, animals. However, the best way to really understand what a dream means is to come to our own conclusions about how the symbol relates to you and your life.

To achieve this, it is useful to ask yourself some basic questions about the symbols that appear in our dreams: What personal experience do you have with that symbol? What emotions or thoughts do you have about that symbol? How did this dream make you feel? What current and past events in your life are related to these similar thoughts and feelings?

When you have answered these questions about symbols, you will better understand what they mean. And, you will probably be able to make a connection about how this dream relates to your life.

Other tips for interpreting your own dreams:

Do not give up!

It can take a lot of practice to be able to interpret dreams, and some dreams may take a few days before they finally make sense to you.

Therefore, make it a regular practice to write down your dreams and what they may mean to you. In this way, you will begin to be more successful in understanding their meanings.

Consider your life triggers and events

Many dreams are based on what you think just before you fall asleep, or they can be caused by events or stress in your daily life. Ask yourself: What is happening in your life right now that could be influencing or causing this dream to occur?

Look at the past

Sometimes, dreams can remind us of old feelings from the past. So it is not uncommon for emotions to arise in your dreams from things that happened a long time ago. It may be time to release those old emotions and move on.

Control your moods, feelings and emotions

Many times, if you wake up with strong feelings after a dream, this is a message for you to better understand an important aspect of your life.

Keeping track of your mood in dreams and in your normal life can often help you understand what you can do to improve your life and stay on track with your goals.