Undoubtedly, many people want to know how to perfume home naturally since it is known that some plants contain ingredients or compounds that counteract strong odors from the kitchen or the bathroom, among other places in the house and that they are inadequate to keep a pleasant and harmonious environment.

Aromaterapia Flores Aceite Esencial Perfume Natural

However, we must be very careful when purchasing products to perfume home, since in order to sell, companies and commercial establishments present them as the best solution to eliminate bad odors and aromatize with pleasant fragrances, but the truth is that some chemical components can cause respiratory allergies, skin problems, and if that were not enough, their manufacturing process usually damages the environment.

In this sense, the use of natural products as an option to perfume home is becoming increasingly stronger because it is safe and effective to eliminate bad odors and does not represent a risk to family’s health, especially the children’s and the elderly’s, who are more susceptible to such effects caused by chemicals. These perfumes or aromas from plants and other natural products are effective in eliminating strong odors such as those left by food, cigarettes, alcohol or mildew because they have really effective antimicrobial and disinfectant properties.

For these reasons, we are going to give you simple recipes made with some plants so that you do not have the need to acquire chemical products which often have negative effects on health:

Rosemary and lemon: The great freshness that leaves the combination of rosemary with lemon is fabulous; make up your mind to use these ingredients and you will surely fall in love with their effects because the aroma of rosemary has soothing and relaxing properties which help reduce nerves and fight anxiety, while the aroma of lemon facilitates concentration and also has calming properties.

Romero Limón Perfume Natural

Preparation: Three (03) tablespoons of dried rosemary or the equivalent of about 45 grams are poured into a pot, 250 ml of water (1 cup) is added, and it is boiled. Then the lemon is cut into slices, without removing the peel, and is added to the mixture that is being heated. Let it boil for about 10 minutes, wait for it to stand, filter, put it in a container, and then spray it around the areas of the house.

Cinnamon and orange peels: No doubt this is a delicious combination which will not only eliminate bad odors, those left by fish, garbage or cigarettes, but also perfume home in a wonderful way, making everyone who enters want to enjoy its delicious aroma because both cinnamon and orange have very strong and pleasant aromas.

Canela Cáscaras Naranja Perfume Natural

But in addition, cinnamon gives the fragrance its antibacterial properties and acts as a relaxant and stimulant for the senses, while the aroma of orange peels also add its calming effects to the mixture, helping curb the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and soothe headaches.

Preparation: Mix one (01) tablespoon of ground cinnamon or the equivalent of about 15 grams, the peel of one (01) orange and one (01) cup of water with about 250 ml. These ingredients are boiled, and when they boil, the heat is reduced and allowed to boil for about 3 to 5 more minutes. Let it stand to subsequently filter such mixture and put it in an atomizer, with which you will spray the spaces you want. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Lavender, baking soda and apple cider vinegar: This mixture is very effective because it combines the disinfectant properties of sodium bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar with the pleasant aroma of lavender, which also has sedative and relaxing effects, being excellent to fight states of stress or anxiety and to fall asleep.

Lavanda Aroma Natural

Preparation: Pour one (01) tablespoon of lavender essential oil (15 ml) with two (02) tablespoons of baking soda (20 grams) and a quarter (¼) cup of apple cider vinegar (62 ml) in a container, and mix until a homogeneous mixture is achieved. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and then spray it in the spaces of the house, and in this way you will perfume your home quickly and effectively.

Pine, nutmeg and bay: Pine is a plant with a very pleasant and strong aroma, and combined with bay, which also has a fabulous aroma, make an effective combination which nutmeg also reinforces, managing to perfume home and fight against bad odors from the pipes and mildew, effectively eliminating bacteria and avoiding respiratory allergies.

This mixture has not only an incredible aroma, but also calming effects, and can eliminate the pathogens present in the environment.

Pino Aroma Natural Ramas Manos

Preparation: In a pot, put three (03) 3 pine branches, two (02) bay leaves, one (01) nutmeg, add 250 ml of water (01) cup and boil it. Once it has boiled for about 10 minutes, lower the heat, and let it boil for 10 more minutes. When the fire goes out, put the pot in a place where the vapors are used, then store it in the refrigerator and the next day, boil it again and repeat the procedure. It is used until the aroma is no longer felt.