Surely you want to know how to rejuvenate your skin, bones and tendons, what you should do and consume to strengthen those important parts of our body and that are essential to look younger. Therefore, we are going to present some interesting alternatives so that you can activate that rejuvenation process that we all want.

Mujer Rostro Rejuvenecer

A basic element to rejuvenate the skin is collagen, the most abundant protein in mammals, where humans are included, and in turn it is the most important component of the bones, the skin and all those tissues that connect different parts of the body. In addition, collagen accounts for almost a third of our total protein mass, but it is found in poorly digestible areas; however, in ancient times people cooked them to extract their valued nutrients, and that was how jelly was discovered, and that is practically, cooked collagen.

For these reasons, collagen-based treatments are the most appropriate to rejuvenate the skin, bones, tendons and connective tissues because it is made up of non-essential amino acids such as lysine, glycine and proline that the organism synthesizes from others to later produce its own collagen.

But it is very important to consume foods or supplements that contain collagen, especially for the role that glycine plays because the body itself is not able to produce enough of this component, what is known as the “weak link in metabolism”, whereas glycine is really a conditionally essential amino acid and collagen synthesis is reduced with age, hence the importance of providing it to the body through the intake of sufficient raw material that can maintain its production.

Suplementos Colágeno Mujer

It is significant to note that when women reach the menopause stage, a decrease in oestrogen occurs, which in turn reduces the synthesis of collagen. Thus, the aging of the skin, bones, joints, tendons and basic connective tissues for body functioning occurs, being indispensable then to recover collagen to be able to rejuvenate the skin.

In this sense, current treatments are based on the intake of products with enough collagen content through a glycine-rich diet that strengthens bones and tendons, including the Achilles tendon; one of the body parts that are affected most with the passage of time and that many athletes suffer from.

Although it has not been proven yet if this glycine-rich diet helps in muscle development, it is convenient to follow this type of treatment, obviously endorsed by a doctor, and set aside Botox which, although it fulfils a function, it has brought many aesthetic and health problems to many people.

In addition to the fact that glycine works to rejuvenate the skin, it acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which favours states of relaxation because it activates the parasympathetic system; so that consuming a few grams of glycine can also improve sleep quality and reduce tiredness.

Cansancio Sueño Dormir Mujer

There are two ways to provide the body with collagen and rejuvenate the skin, bones and tendons: the first one is through food, for which it is necessary to recover ancestral customs such as eating skin, which is questioned by the detractors of fat consumption; however, the skin of the animals we consume has a high content of collagen, but it should be consumed roasted, not fried.

Another of the recommended foods to rejuvenate the skin are some traditional recipes such as pig’s paws, stewed tongue, tripe, bones and fish broths. On the other hand, it is advisable to consume jelly desserts, which must be pure and sugar free.

It is important to clarify that when collagen is digested, it goes through a process in which it breaks down into its amino acids that the organism uses later with the aim of constructing the structures that it needs.

Another aspect that should be considered to rejuvenate the skin more affectively, it is that the consumption of hydrolysed collagen is convenient because it is more assimilable by the organism, which facilitates that it gets to the bones, tendons and cartilages.

Suplemento de Colágeno Piel

In some cases it is convenient to add supplements to improve the process of collagen absorption, especially if the person suffers from joint pain, or the person is in the process of recovering from an injury or ulcers, for which a dose between 8 and 10 grams daily of hydrolyzed collagen is recommended.

Finally, if you want to rejuvenate the skin, bones and tendons, you have to take certain preventive measures such as not staying long inactive, stopping consuming industrial food, especially because of sugar that damages proteins through a process called glycation which greatly accelerates the aging and degradation of collagen; not consuming tobacco, trying to control stress, getting enough rest and not exposing yourself to the sun incorrectly.