Infidelity is an act that first involves lying and betrayal, anti-values that go against the fair meaning of life for most people, even those who are unfaithful.   The infidel is almost always justified with thousands of excuses; We do not get along, my relationship is boring, sex is not working, it’s just an adventure because I love my wife, and we could quote here so many excuses that we would have no lines to write them. But, according to astrology there are major or minor trends according to each sign, which we will present in a summarized way below.

Let’s start with the sign of Aries, which is very passionate, happy and they like to live their life to the fullest, and when they are single they can build many relationships and become unfaithful, due to that seductive and charismatic essence that usually arouses the interest of many, which make their appeal increase. But, if that person comes to Aries who conquers him, and acquires a commitment, they can be sure that he will be faithful, because when they love and take control of the relationship they become the most trustworthy.

But, do not trust yourself too much, because they can become unfaithful, if you do not let them take the lead in the relationship, as they feel relegated and without authority could seek another person to submit to their charms and their domain.

This aspect is of the utmost importance for an Aries, so things can get complicated if they are paired with a Leo or another Aries, who also want to have control of the relationship, the situation becoming a struggle of field powers, and if they do not give their arm to twist, both of them can become unfaithful and unbalance the union in a decisive way.

Although that eagerness not to lose can lead him to forgive and continue the relationship just for the fact of not losing, of feeling the winner and maintaining his emotional leadership. But if communication with the couple is effective, Libra can become very faithful.

Following with Taurus, this is a focused sign that seeks justice and therefore it is difficult for it to be unfaithful, because most of the time they consider as immoral those people who cheat, betray and are unfaithful to their partners, even more when there is a family conformed with children. Therefore, if you love loyalty, you can find in Taurus the perfect option, because despite being very passionate and sensual, they put loyalty and respect before their partner.

In the case that they are unfaithful to them, they hardly forgive, they can become violent because they hurt their pride, and they do not tolerate a betrayal. However, they may forgive, but they do not forget and could later plan an infidelity to pay with the same currency.

If we talk about Gemini, we find individuals unfaithful by nature, who downplay their treachery, which seems normal, becoming their infidel behaviour recurring, which makes them look like unconscious people and in extreme cases even shameless, looking for adventures and sex where they can, and resort to the thousand and one tricks to act without thinking about the consequences.

Therefore, Gemini can be considered one of the most infidel signs of the zodiac, especially men, who have a hard time establishing themselves with only one person for long periods of time, due to their dual personality and variable, which It makes that constantly has a need to experience new things. On the other hand, they tend to get bored easily, and have the ability to communicate and be seductive.

In the case of Cancer, we can affirm that this sign is not usually unfaithful, especially when your partner perfectly understands their moods and values their sensitivity. However, it could be with extreme caution, because it always protects the family nucleus.  On the other hand, if they are the victims of infidelity, they may end up forgiving to maintain their marriage and family, but they never forget and sometimes torment themselves with memories, making the relationship conflictual and unstable.

The audacious and egocentric of Leo, they are faithful as a rule, as long as they have a couple that idolizes them and makes them feel that they are the centre of attraction. If they feel respected, they become very faithful because they do not like to betray or complicate life with lovers. His charismatic and seductive personality can attract people who even come to like him, but tend to maintain their values, even more so when his partner knows how to flatter him and be faithful to him, but if it happens that he is betrayed, it can become in a very fearsome enemy.

In the case of Virgo, we are in the presence of very faithful individuals, because their nature is just and based on strongly held values, which makes them severe with unfaithful acts and with traitors. For being the most perfectionist and detail sign of the zodiac, it makes them have a very critical sense of life, which does not allow them to be unfaithful, which increases their appeal, increasing the number of people who are interested in them and for the possibilities of being unfaithful, although it is very difficult to be for them.

The Libras, characterized by their indecision and curiosity in sex, tend to be discreet infidels, and they are able to invent any excuse to be unfaithful without being able to find out, although many times their intentions remain in their minds, precisely because to their indecision and to the fact that they are defenders of justice, and if they become unfaithful, they fill himself with remorse that they do not support and then think about it before acting and put themselves in the place of the other, so if you are unfaithful to a Geminin, it will hardly forgive you.

On the contrary, those who belong to the sign of Scorpio are unfaithful by nature, pleasure prevailing before values and loyalty. They are characterized by being one of the most flirtatious, sensual, seductive, lovers of pleasure and sex, and use their seduction skills to dominate and conquer, taking a simple relationship to sexual play with ease.

However, even if it is considered the most sexual sign of the zodiac, it cannot be said that he is the most unfaithful, because in many cases his sense of loyalty and family love prevails, which makes him stop even though by his head the idea of being unfaithful smiles at him often. And if you are unfaithful to him, be careful because you will face a wounded wolf, capable of revenge at the first opportunity.

In contrast, the free and adventurous Sagittarius sees in infidelity a tool to enjoy life, since his freedom   is ahead of anything, which makes him careless for his partner, and always goes with certainty that he will never find out. However, when he reaches adulthood, he can become a very faithful person, although he hardly lets himself be flirtatious and boastful, due to his high capacity to socialize.

If, on the contrary, they are victims of infidelity, they do not give much importance, and there they become totally unfaithful, since they will have the perfect excuse, so the other person will not betray him again.

Capricorn for its sense of justice and loyalty, is not allowed to be unfaithful himself, since betrayals are not in their scale of values, therefore he would not know how to does it, because when you love and form a couple, vogue for stability and respect, he lives for his beloved and does not feel the need to conquer anyone else, although his secure and stable personality catches the attention of many, who will bet to seduce him.

On the other hand, the Capricorns are able to forgive an infidelity, although that act will never be erased from their mental notebook, but they defend the family unity and economic stability. In the case that they become infidels, they will use their marked prudence and with their great methodical capacity they will surely elaborate the plan to not harm anyone, although their constant remorse will not leave them alone.

Another sign of the zodiac that is very faithful is Aquarius, and despite defending their freedom and not like marriage, because of its mental breadth and ability to love universally and platonically, do not see in infidelity an option when he is with a person who really loves and he respects, although if he becomes unfaithful, he sincerely forgives, precisely because of his open mind, which allows him to grant second chances.

Finally, Pisces with its great sensitivity, creativity and imagination tends to be highly unfaithful.   And he will look for a thousand pretexts to justify his betrayals, although his mind will live full of constant conflict, because that same sensitivity that characterizes him will make him feel extremely guilty. But when it acts on the sexual plane, it can even become promiscuous, even if it is justified thinking that it can love two or more people at a time, which it uses to find the most creative excuses and justify the betrayal.

On the contrary, if he becomes the victim of infidelity he can suffer a lot and fills his head with a constant coming and going of suppositions that hurt him a lot. Even, it can get to take the blame for the infidelity of his partner, coming to forgive him, but without forgetting.

But friends, love and truth should definitely prevail, because if someone does not love anymore, they should speak with the truth, and it is preferable to end a relationship to live cheating and betraying that person who is chosen to form a couple. If things do not work anymore, it is better to close the cycle, but if there are genuine intentions to rectify, forgiveness should also be considered in order to rescue the relationship.