The influence of Mercury on each zodiac sign is determined by its position at the exact moment of our birth. This planet has to do with the way we communicate and connect with others using words and symbols. It is also the planet of the mind, which means that it also influences the way we think and how we transmit our thoughts and feelings to others.

Influencia de mercurio Zodiaco Signos Planeta Mercurio Influence of Mercury
Image By The NeMu from Pixabay 

Despite being the smallest planet in the solar system and it also remains very close to the Sun. It is one of the most important in astrology and has a great influence on business, knowledge, education, etc., so its movement from one sign to another has a great impact on people’s lives. Join us to discover then, how is each sign under the influence of Mercury.


Arians under the influence of Mercury are characterized by being quick thinkers and also short-tempered. But they have a tendency to speak before thinking or acting. So they almost always end in arguments. Although this can also manifest itself through discussions on different topics.

They love intellectual stimulation, but are very impatient with details and being repeated. Being also frank, honest and direct when expressing what they think, sometimes without considering the feelings of others. What can discourage people, since they even say things in an intense and aggressive way.


The influence of Mercury in Taurus at birth, leads them to be mentally stable, although, at times, they can be slow-thinking. Which means that in those moments when you are mentally exhausted, you may not retain new information. Nor does it convey the message you want.

They are people who are difficult to influence and quite inflexible. But they tend to make decisions in a practical way and take their time to do so. Since you consider all the factors or elements before making the final decision, something that can irritate some people. In addition, they are characterized by being people of the quiet type, but when they speak, it is worth listening to everything they have to say.


Any Gemini born under the influence of Mercury will have heightened senses and alertness. They are people with a very restless mind and they like to know everything. Although they have great versatility, by having their mind overthinking they tend to feel anxious.

Sometimes they jump to conclusions and make value judgments without reviewing all the facts. But in general, they are very intellectual and open-minded, with a strong desire to learn and inform others. They also like to converse and express themselves fluently. In addition to being able to relate and adapt to all kinds of people


When Mercury is in Cancer, people tend to be very emotional and receptive. But this can have a downside as they can get caught up in all their emotions. On the other hand, they are instinctive and very self-aware, have a passive mind and tend to be a bit too open. Sometimes they get carried away by emotions and these influence their thoughts, which prevents them from transmitting the message they intended.

Also, they often have some psychic abilities and find it difficult to learn from books or research. But it makes it easier for them to learn from other people and the knowledge they bring. The downside is that they are easily influenced by all the emotions they feel and the knowledge they acquire.


Those born under the influence of Mercury in Leo tend to be open minded and very expressive. With a tendency to dramatize and their own style of communication that they express with great spontaneity and self-confidence. Therefore, every time they talk about something, others will stop what they are doing to hear what they have to say.

In addition, Mercury gives them the capacity for order and coherence to influence others, also providing charisma and authority through their mental aptitudes. One of their flaws is that they talk so much about themselves that they can seem selfish or conceited. When they feel distressed, they can become stiff and very stubborn.


Mercury makes Virgos highly aware and in tune with the needs of others. In addition, Mercury enhances their intelligence, leads them to be very analytical and pay close attention to details. Being also perfectionists and critics, but they like to explain things so that others can understand what they are saying.

On the other hand, they are people of ideas and practical and logical thinking, of great common sense and with great speaking skills. Therefore, they always want the world to be governed by reason and not by emotions or prejudices.


Most people born with Mercury in Libra are good talkers and have an engaging way of speaking. Since they express themselves with respect and elegance, they know how to listen to others, which favours communication. In addition, they enjoy being open people, with a wide vision of the world and a thoughtful and serene mind. With which they help bring peace and harmony where there is despair.

They hate confrontation and are diplomatic, two characteristics that lead them to be natural negotiators. You also have a positive mind-set and outlook on life in general. Although they are sometimes indecisive, which can upset the people around them.


The influence of Mercury in Scorpio leads them to be sharp-minded, insightful and penetrating people. Able to delve beyond the obvious and easily perceive the dark and hidden side of things. So they will always want to get to the bottom of things and will feel the need to know everything and anything. They are intense when they speak and sincere in their word, which is why people can count on them to deliver what they promise.

Besides, they are also somewhat reserved, but very perceptive and very observant. Skills that allow them to detect the weaknesses of others and often lead them to be overly critical.


Those with Mercury in Sagittarius tend to be philosophical and idealistic people, versatile-minded and highly optimistic. Although with a tendency not to pay much interest to details. They are cheerful and they are always willing to tell jokes and make others laugh. They have sharp senses, but lack of concentration. Also, they take life as an adventure and they like to experience all kinds of things, from science to comedy.

Because Mercury is the planet of communication and Sagittarius is the sign of truth. The natives of this sign that are born under the influence of Mercury will tell us what they think without being too diplomatic.


Mercury leads the natives of this sign to be very strategic, pragmatic and realistic. The latter may be considered by others as pessimism, but it is only about keeping their feet on the ground. On the other hand, Capricorns influenced by Mercury tend to have command and authority, which is why people listen to them and take them seriously.

They are rational, logical, formal and serious beings in communication. They do not like anything but the truth, and they have a great ability to concentrate, they also have a great memory and pay great attention to detail. They can sometimes seem indifferent and because they are always down to earth, they are generally discreet.


Under the influence of Mercury, Aquarians become innovative thinkers, which makes people think they have lost their minds. They are free-spirited people who love to think in advance about what needs to be done and what can be done.

They are also very frank and direct, so they should strive to be more sensitive to others. In addition, they are characterized by being original and ingenious, avant-garde and progressive, open to new ideas and love changes. They are also very intuitive, they write and speak very well.


They tend to be very empathetic and have a natural ability to help others. They like to communicate in such a way that everyone understands them and they like to offer valuable information to others. They also stand out for being intuitive, creative and for having great analytical and visualization skills.

They are dreamers, little logical and fanciful. Which leads them to have an artistic touch and to be carried away more by intuition than by reason. But they are still pleasant people to deal with, sensitive and understanding in communication.