Myths about food are very widespread, but like all other myths you have to use common sense to discern whether it is true or not. Around nutrition and food, a series of “urban legends” have emerged, many of which lack foundations. Therefore, it is best to know what those most common myths are, so as not to continue believing everything they say out there.

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What are the most common myths about food?

Many of the myths about food are related to miracle diets, “very harmful” foods, “bad” preservation techniques, “healing” eating habits, among others. Let’s look at some of these myths.

Whole foods do not make you fat

One thing is that they are healthier, and quite another is that they gain less weight. The only thing that differentiates whole grain products from the others is that they have a higher amount of fibre, something that is beneficial for the body. But the number of calories in, for example, “white” bread and whole wheat is the same. Therefore, they make you fat as well.

Eating fruit after lunch makes you fat

Fruits have a certain amount of calories. And this amount will be the same we take it when we take it. A person gets fat when he or she consumes more calories than they burn, not by the order or the time in which they eat food.

“Light” foods lose weight

A “light” food is one in which the content of sugar or other caloric components has been reduced or eliminated. Therefore, while it is true that they gain less weight than normal, in no case will they lose weight. In fact, many of them whet the appetite, causing us to eat more than normal.

Freezing food loses its properties

One thing is that it does not taste the same as the fresh product, and another is that it loses its properties. In fact, freezing and deep freezing are two of the food preservation techniques that best preserve its nutritional properties.

Skipping meals helps you lose weight

Skipping meals all it does is make us hungrier and eat more than necessary at the next meal, thus having the opposite effect as desired.

Cholesterol is bad

Cholesterol is not bad. In fact, it is necessary for our cells to function properly. What is bad is excess.

Being overweight can be due to fluid retention

Being overweight is due to excess body fat, not fluid accumulation. Therefore, before saying that being overweight is due to retaining fluids and starting to take diuretics, you should consult a specialist.

Vegetable fats are good for your health

No. Fats are fats and if they are consumed in excess they will accumulate in our organs and tissues. Another thing is that vegetables are accompanied by beneficial nutrients, but excessive consumption of it cannot be given either. Coconut oil or palm oil, for example, increase blood cholesterol.

Brown sugar is healthier than white

It may appear that it is more natural or less refined than white, but from a nutritional point of view, they are practically identical. For every 100 grams, white sugar contributes 387 calories; the brown sugar, 377. A practically insignificant difference. Choosing the brown one is more a psychological question than a nutritional one.

The microwave causes food to lose its properties

The microwave does not make food lose its nutritional value. In fact, it is one of the food “preparation” techniques that best preserves its properties.

Fats are bad

Another of the most common myths about food is to believe that fats are bad. In fact, it is important to include them in the diet as long as they do not come from junk food. Excess fat in the body increases the risk of heart disease and other disorders. But fat itself is not bad, it is a source of energy for the body.

Carbohydrates are bad

This is one of the myths about food most repeated by “fitness”. Carbohydrates should be one of the pillars of any diet. They are the fuel for our cells and we must eat products that have them, such as bread, pasta, cereals, and nuts. You should only avoid its excessive consumption and the intake of processed products rich in sugar.

Salt should always be avoided

Salt does not cause hypertension. Salt causes hypertension in those with sensitivity to salt. In other words, there are people who are predisposed to salt raising their blood pressure. In this case, it would be necessary to reduce its consumption or avoid it as the case may be. For the rest of the population, salt should be included in the diet as it prevents hypotension, something that can be equally harmful to the body.

You have to eat 5 times a day

This is just an indication. Each person must eat the number of meals that he or she considers appropriate depending on their lifestyle. Someone who burns a lot of calories a day may need 5 meals a day. But for someone with a sedentary lifestyle, eating 5 meals a day can even be bad for their health.

When cooked, the alcohol evaporates

It is often said that when you cook it, it disappears. But that is not the case. What evaporates is the water present in the alcoholic beverage. Alcohol itself is practically not reduced, so what ends up happening is that it is more concentrated when it loses water.

Drinking water during meals makes you gain weight

Water is the only “food” with 0 calories. It never gets fat. What happens is that, if you drink a lot during meals, the person feels fuller, believing that they have eaten too much and that they will end up gaining weight.

Margarine is less fattening than butter

False Margarine and butter have an almost identical caloric intake, so they are equally fattening. What differentiates them is that margarine has less fat than butter, so it is healthier in this regard. But getting fat, they get fat the same.

Eating carrots improves eyesight, especially if eaten raw

False There is not a single scientific study that shows that eating carrots improves eyesight, no matter what children are told. In addition, they are more nutritious if eaten cooked, since boiling them releases their nutrients and they are more assimilable.

Coffee causes cellulite

Cellulite or orange peel is the product, mainly, of each person’s genetics, in addition to a poor diet (excess of saturated and trans fats, and simple sugars, as we discussed when giving you an anti-cellulite diet) and a lack of physical activity.

All this can contribute to its development, but a single food is not capable of generating it and coffee (especially in its most traditional form and without added sugars) does not have properties that generate this condition in the body.

Vitamins make you fat

Vitamins are nutrients that do not provide energy, therefore it is not possible for them to make you gain weight. The necessary amounts are different depending on the person, since it depends on many factors such as gender, age, disease, among others.

A person who eats a varied and balanced diet can meet their vitamin and mineral needs without having to supplement with multivitamins.

This article is informative and is not intended to serve as a diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any type of ailment. This information is not a substitute for consulting a doctor, specialist or health professional.

Explicit or implicit recommendations on drugs, techniques, products, etc., are cited for informational purposes only. The use of this information is carried out under the sole responsibility of the users.