Often, there are numbers that we believe bring us luck and we use them cabbalistically in different items such as shirts and jewelry, and other objects. In the world of bets, many have a number they benefit from or simply have faith in a certain number.

The numbers are magical, so to speak, and that magic is none other than numerology, which is defined as any belief in divine relations, mystic between a number and an event.

Its origin is the belief, for example, that if you choose a lucky number and win, you will associate that number with your luck; Furthermore, if the number is subsequently repeated in some fortunate situations, you will surely have a reason to believe that it is your lucky number. On the contrary, if you bet on certain number and lose, you will certainly consider them bad luck.

Numerology is ancient; however there is no way to experiment with it. It has been tried for years in different countries without any results. Many say that number 75 is one of the lucky numbers, and it is an unusual sequence of numbers that can only be divided by itself and by number 1

A curious fact is that different scientific experiments and psychological tests have been carried out allowing to demonstrate that most people will choose number 7, because it is a prime number that can’t be created when multiplied or divided by the first ten numbers. That is why it is uniquely and unconsciously preferred by people.

Is linked to a variety of positive things like the rainbow, the theological virtues, the wonders of the world and it also has symbolism in the Bible, because God made the world in seven days. Because of the positive things associated with it, 7 is considered a good luck number by a large number of people.

There is a theory to get the number of luck that obtained by generating a sieve, similar to the Sieve of Eratosthenes that generates the prime numbers. The first step is to start a list with the integers starting with number 1, sequentially; the numbers are then suppressed in pairs, all the even numbers; so only odd numbers remain from this elimination.

Then all remaining numbers in groups of three are eliminated, leaving number 7 in third place, then they are eliminated in groups of 7, and the procedure is repeated indefinitely, so the remaining numbers are considered lucky. These lucky numbers have identical properties as prime numbers, which means that they are only divisible by 1 and by themselves.

There are many myths about lucky numbers; however, nothing is certain, so you have to appeal to intuition and have faith, in addition to learn a little about numerology and what you can achieve through different methods to get your lucky number.