Currently, the consumption of gluten can be a health problem for some people, and perhaps this is the main reason why the consumption of gluten-free foods has become fashionable. Well, it is believed that stopping consuming this protein will bring us greater well-being.

However, it is worth asking, then, what foods contain gluten? Is it bad to consume it? Who should consume it? Are gluten-free foods healthier and help you lose weight? These are just some questions that arise when talking about the subject, and which are among the myths about gluten consumption. So, we invite you to discover some of them with us.

Myth 1: Gluten is found only in bread.
False, if you stop eating bread you will stop eating a significant percentage of gluten, but it is important to remember that this substance is found in many more foods. It should be clarified, then, that the term gluten refers to a glycoprotein, mainly composed of glutenin and gliadin, two proteins naturally present in cereals such as barley, wheat, rye and oats, although in the latter to a lesser extent; which, together, help food to maintain its shape, giving it greater elasticity and a special texture.

Pan Consumo de Gluten

Therefore, we will not only find gluten in wheat-based breads, but also in the different foods made with these cereals. Although, it may also be present in certain products to which it is added during the manufacturing process such as: chocolates, mayonnaise, fruit yogurt, ham, sauces, sweets, among many more.

However, there are other cereals such as corn, rice, sorghum and millet that are gluten-free. Likewise, we have other foods that do not contain gluten such as: fruits, vegetables, peas, soybeans, potato starch, meats, fish, sugar, salt, cocoa, gelatine, nuts, margarine, butter and oils.

Alimentos sin Gluten Frutas

Myth 2: Gluten is harmful to health.
False. In this sense, it should be pointed out that only those people who have been diagnosed with celiac disease should have a gluten-free diet, therefore, it is only harmful to them. Well, the cereals that contain it are not prepared to be ingested by them, causing their body to generate an immunogenic response when consumed, in the digestive system or in other parts of the body where symptoms are manifested, which may be nausea, dizziness, diarrhoea, vomiting and severe abdominal pain.

But it must be considered that only one percent of the world population suffers from celiac disease; so the rest of the population can consume it without affecting their health. However, we recommend that you do not start a gluten-free diet without consulting your doctor.

Consumo de Gluten Celiaquía Hombre Síntomas Dolor Abdominal

Myth 3: Gluten-free foods are healthier and help you lose weight.
False. Gluten consumption is not associated with weight gain, so removing it from your diet may not be the solution to lose weight. Since, if we consume large amounts of gluten-free products and less fibre, the risk of gaining weight will increase. On the other hand, products labelled “gluten free” could have more calories, since they replace gluten with other types of substances such as sugars, fats or preservatives, which are added to maintain the characteristics of the food.

Myth 4: It is easy to self-diagnose celiac disease.
False, to diagnose celiac disease it is necessary to carry out different special medical tests in a hospital or clinic. In addition, some symptoms may respond to other types of health problems and even, there are some celiac people who do not manifest symptoms or these are different from the usual ones, despite having intestinal injuries. For this reason, a gluten-free diet should not be followed unless a specialist has been consulted before.

Celiaquía Exámenes

Myth 5: Celiac disease is a gluten intolerance.
False, celiac disease is considered as an autoimmune, systemic and non-contagious disease, which comes to manifest itself in various ways in certain organs, attacking the digestive system more severely, but in itself, it is not a food intolerance to gluten, but of a condition that is aggravated with its consumption.

Myth 6: Celiac disease is an inherited disease
Therefore, in this disease caused by gluten intolerance, what we inherit is the genetic predisposition to develop it, which according to experts is 75%. For this reason, despite the fact that several people in the family suffer from it, that does not mean that we will also suffer from it, because, we are not born with it, but we can develop it at any time in our lives, due to environmental factors still to be determined and that contribute 25% to the development of celiac disease.

Myth 7: Gluten affects Latinos equally
False, according to the most recent studies, the Latino community is one of the least affected by celiac disease. In fact, this health problem occurs in 1.06% of the Latinos studied while, in populations like the Punjabi, the percentage is 3.08%; while in India it is said that there are between 5 and 8 million affected, but most have not been diagnosed.

Furthermore, according to an article published in the Journal of Paediatrics, there are some things to consider before making the decision to join the gluten-free fashion; such as:

1. A gluten-free diet is more expensive, a factor that can significantly affect your budget, and it is also not a guarantee that you will lose weight or maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients.

Consumo de gluten Pan sin gluten

2. Often the set of processed foods that do not contain gluten, have higher fat and sugar contents than conventional products; which could mean that you will be consuming foods with higher caloric levels and less nutrients.

3. By following a very strict gluten-free diet, exposure to certain toxins can be increased considerably, and the consumption of iron and vitamins is also being reduced; which are basic for nutrition.

Likewise, eliminating gluten from the diet, especially when there is no reason to do so, could increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies; because whole grain cereals, such as wheat, rye and corn, have key nutrients such as iron, calcium, fibre, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid, among others; so we emphasize that if you do not have a celiac disease problem, which has been diagnosed by a doctor, it is not necessary to suspend the consumption of gluten.