Do you know the myths about skin care? Well, while we know that the skin is the largest organ in the body, what few of us do is to give it the best care to always look perfect and healthy.

It is so that certain beliefs we have, false tricks and routines that we perform daily could be damaging it irreversibly. Therefore, and based on the premise that there are statements that are true and others that are big lies, today we will help you to acquire positive habits to keep your skin healthy and beautiful just by following some recommendations that we will give you next:

Cuidados Piel Mascarilla Mujer

Healthy and beautiful skin does not need any special cream, any works: This is false because no skin type can stay healthy forever and all skin types are constantly exposed to internal and external factors that can damage it. But most importantly, each type of skin has different needs, so do not make the mistake of using any type of cream.

Skin care should begin at age 28 to 30: False, although it is believed that this is the period when the first wrinkles appear. From childhood the skin must be treated with great care, and from that age it is essential to use sunscreen, and then in adolescence facial cleansing about twice a day should start during the morning and night, applying appropriate and quality products according to the skin type.

Subsequently, when the person turns 18, it is convenient to add moisturizers, especially if the person lives in a dry climate, and after turning 21, it is recommended applying cream at night, which is regenerating or anti-wrinkle, and according to the skin type.

There is no need to apply sunscreen throughout the year: This is a lie and one of the most common mistakes made since regardless of the time of the year the sun causes effects on the skin, which could lead to skin cancer, aging and sunburn. An appropriate skin care includes protecting oneself every day.

Cuidado Piel Bloqueador Solar Mujer

It is indifferent to apply the same cream on the face and the rest of the body: False; and although it will not cause any damage to the skin to use the same cream for the whole body, there are specific creams for each part of the body which act more effectively; for example, the face requires the follow-up of moisturizing and antioxidant cleansing routines, and it also requires to use sunscreen during the day and to do a cleaning with anti-aging cream during the night depending on the age.

The sunscreen is the first thing to apply: False; the correct way to use it is by first applying the creams according to the skin type and finally, applying the sunscreen so that you can protect it properly. An important detail is that the skin must be cleaned very well before applying the products.

All creams should be applied together: False; to take proper care of the skin, you should never do this since you must wait for the recommended time for each product to cause its effect properly; creams should not be rubbed too much and should be applied in small quantities so that they absorb themselves.

Cuidados Piel Crema

Glycolic acid should be used during the day and the use of the topical antioxidant should be eliminated: This is a lie since on the contrary, this product should not be used during the day because the skin can get stained and you should not stop using antioxidants during the day since these are the ones that protect against environmental pollutants and radiation, causing them to neutralize.

The skin should be washed many times: This is not true since excessive cleaning and washing can cause irritation, breaking the skin barrier and leading to allergies and major affectations. It is advisable to eliminate excess fat and clean it about three times a day, especially in the morning and at night; but it should not be overdone.

Scented and handmade products benefit skin care: On the contrary, products with parabens and perfumes or creams whose manufacturing process is very handmade should not be used because they can be very irritating.

Cuidado Piel  Crema Artesanal

For a good skin care, just use creams: This is also a lie since these are only complements. The truth in this case is that a proper diet should be followed by reducing the consumption of white flour and refined products which can cause inflammations, and when the skin is oily, it favours the appearance of acne; besides exercising, performing facial cleansing, among other habits should be followed as well.

The skin becomes dry if you start using wrinkle treatment before age 25: This is not true, although it is recommended applying wrinkle creams from the age of 30, when the skin begins to lose collagen and elastin, and according to the type of skin and the genetic factor. This type of skin care treatment can be used without any problem since there is no such risk.

Tratamiento Anti Arrugas Rostro Crema

Exposing yourself to the sun cures acne in the back: On the contrary, the skin should not be exposed to the sun when topical treatments are applied because they sensitize the skin and can cause irritation, sunstroke and / or more acne.

Exfoliation of the buttocks skin eliminates cellulite: This statement is completely false since cellulite occurs in the hypodermis, which is the deepest layer of the skin and a skin peel only reaches a superficial level.

Washing your hands constantly rejuvenates the skin: On the contrary, it is a truth that washing your hands very often only causes premature aging of these, eliminating the lipid mantle that moisturizes and protects it, causing dryness and the appearance of wrinkles.