Hair care is an essential activity, especially if you want to have a beautiful appearance and a good image. However, whether due to lack of information or ingenuity, there are many mistakes that we make when doing it and that in some cases end up damaging it. That is why we want to introduce you to some myths and truths that you should keep in mind if you want to have healthy and strong hair.

Cuidado del cabello Mujer lavado de cabello

It is a MYTH that if we start a grey hair, more will appear: The grey appearance is something that happens to all human beings, as it is a direct consequence of the aging process and as such, sooner or later they will appear. In some people it arrives prematurely and in others, it takes much longer to leave, but it is certain that they will be there to remind us that we are older; and it is logical that we worry about it.

But, it is not true that, if we pluck them, they will appear more, since the new hair takes 3 to 5 months to appear and, it has its own pigmentation, Therefore, if we pluck a grey hair it does not influence at all that hair comes out Hoary next to it, if it is coloured, it will remain so, until it becomes grey as part of a natural process.

It is a myth that washing your hair every day is harmful:  Many women wash their hair every day as part of hair care, but that is not harmful, and will depend largely on the products you use, and if they are adapted to your hair type. However, since there are several types of hair, how often they wash will depend on that as well, as some don’t need to be washed often. Keep in mind, that the ideal is that good hair care includes washing it when necessary with the correct products, so as not to generate excessive stimulation, which increases fat levels.  

It is a myth that detangling hair dry is better: This is not the most appropriate, on the contrary, when it is wet, it has more flexibility and is in the optimal conditions to be detangled and styled. On the other hand, you should not brush dry hair several times a day, because they increase the chances of it breaking; and when you do, you should use wooden combs and brushes, made with natural fibres. An important tip for hair care is to brush it before going to sleep, to reduce oil and avoid tangling.

It is a myth that lying down with wet hair is good: It is one of the most common things said about hair care, and nothing is further from the truth. Since, by keeping the hair moist for many hours, the scaling of the cuticles and the deterioration of the scalp occurs, in addition to facilitating the appearance of bacteria, fungi and even dandruff. Therefore, it is recommended that you dry it lightly before going to sleep. 

It is a half-truth that the lacquer damages the hair: This is generally assured, and we can say that it is a truth if its use is abused, since the alcohol they contain causes dryness, hair loss and flaking, but if it is applied the product and then the excess is removed, through a brushing of the hair, there is no damage or dryness as many people assure. However, to ensure good hair care, it should be washed well after each application, to avoid dryness.

Cuidado del cabello Mujer Fijador de cabello

Another tip to take care of the hair is to look at the type of alcohol that this product has, since for example ethanol can be very harmful because it produces dryness and irritation. While other alcohols like sterile alcohol, cetearyl alcohol, and cetyl alcohol help hydrate hair.

It is a half-truth that dyes increase hair loss: It is another example, that substance abuse is what damages hair, that is why we say it is a half-truth. Hair treatments such as dyes, by themselves, are not harmful to hair loss, and although they can be aggressive and weaken hair, abuse of these procedures is what causes hair loss and baldness.

Mujer rubia cuidado del cabello ondulado

It is true that hair dryers and flat irons damage the hair: If these devices come too close to the scalp, if they can cause severe damage to the hair and cuticles, it is recommended that they be used a maximum of twice a week, depending on the type of hair.

It is true that the sun is harmful to hair care: If you want to take good care of your hair, then avoid subjecting it to very high temperatures and prolonged exposure to sunlight. If you have no choice but to expose yourself to the sun, then protect it with hats or scarves, and always carry a heat-protection product with you.

It is true that cold water gives shine to the hair: Both hot and cold water are beneficial for hair care, since a wash with hot water allows the pores to dilate and to clean the scalp well, and later applying the cold water, the shine increases.

It is true that stress causes hair loss: On average, each person loses 50 to 80 hairs per day, which are subsequently replaced naturally, but if you suffer from stress, the rate of fall / growth could be affected, prevailing the fall and reducing the volume of your hair.

Mujer cuidado del cabello corte tijera

It is true that, when cutting hair grows faster: this happens especially when the ends are trimmed and it is advisable to do it every two months, in order that they do not open, and strengthen the hair; since if the tips are not taken care of they will become more brittle and the hair will lose beauty and strength.