Numerology is the meticulous study of numbers, through which a series of variables are analysed to establish a mystical relationship between numbers, physical and spiritual forces with living beings, their development in the environment and prevalence with respect to certain aspects such as money, love, family, work, profession, among others. Therefore, through numbers has been tried through time to discover many mysteries that affect our lives, and that most people try to decipher to guide the way forward, as well as transcendental decisions and actions.

At love level, numerology tries to relate the people involved according to the dates of birth, performing easy calculations that determine, for example, the number corresponding to the way of life, which we will explain later.

Therefore, if you want to know what the future holds for you in terms of love and partners, you just have to make this simple calculation and so you can guide yourself, although we must admit that when that person comes to us that sweeps us off our feet, we will hardly analyse numbers much; but if we have the knowledge or the adequate information, we will be able to analyse the behaviour of that special person that has appeared, with the purpose of preventing conflicting situations according to the degree of compatibility that we had, just as it is done through the zodiacal signs; you both can even have analyses made and compare them.

On the other hand, numerology can guide us with respect to the understanding of significant events, such as crushes, breaks, the different ways in which disagreements occur, misunderstandings, positions of domination and submission, violence, among other things.

In this way, that couple or love compatibility can be easily obtained through the application of numerology. There are applications on the internet where you just have to enter the date of birth of both people, in addition to the full names because each letter has a numerical value, thus obtaining a numerological study with its proper interpretation.

But, if you do not have access to this type of applications or web pages, the calculation can be made manually without complications. Therefore, for you to know the number that determines your “way of life”, you just have to add all the digits of the date of birth, and then reduce them to a single number or a single figure. For example: if the date of birth is 05/01/1961 = 0 + 5 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 1 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5, which means that person’s way of life is number 5. Once you have this number, look for the full explanation of what it means to have 5 as a way of life.

Considering this simple calculation, we can access the necessary information about people who have a love relationship, or any other type; family, work, etc., because the important thing here is that every person is a different entity and their levels of compatibility with others differ, being advisable to follow the necessary guidelines to structure lasting and stable relationships.

For a reason there is a saying that says information is power, it is obviously so, because if we are informed about possible incompatibilities with certain people, we can work on how to deal with them or simply not move forward with the relationship if things become very complicated or there are signs that denote that the characteristics, attitudes and behaviour of that person lead us to an impasse.

Based on these previously presented calculations and analysing the information, we will explain what each number means in the way of life, and what the compatible couples may be.

Let’s start with the people whose way of life is number “one”: These people are ruled by the sun, and are characterized by having an energetic, dynamic personality, they are working and persevering people with a tendency to be creative and intellectual, but somewhat introverted, with a lot of creativity.

The negative aspects that could occur in some people representing this number are excessive aggressiveness, selfishness, as well as their tendency to be materialistic and intolerant.

The numbers that have more compatibility with number 1 are 2, 3, 8 and 9. Number 1 finds in number 2 loving sustenance and the understanding that they require to be introverted. They can mesh with number 3 very well because both are optimistic and hardworking, as well as with the 8 for its sense of justice and 9 for its inner strength and empathy, which is very favourable for the relationship.

With respect to number “two”, these people ruled by the Moon, are characterized by being good friends, reliable, defenders of family, home, peace and tranquillity, with a tendency to be gentle, understanding and wise, so they relate to intuition, touch, beauty and refinement. As for the negative aspects that could surface in them, there is instability and insecurity.

The numbers that have more compatibility with number 2 are 1, 4, 6 and 8. By its effort and constant work, number 1 can establish a harmonious relationship with the 2, as well as with the 4 it can find the security and ambition that needs to arise, while the 6 gives it love and understanding, and 8 justice and security. These elements together make this type of relationship work harmoniously.

Going on with number “three”, we find people with a tendency to be very talented, optimistic, friendly, creative, astute and shrewd, so this number is related to generous and intuitive personalities. They are ruled by Jupiter and the negative aspects that can surface in them are superficiality and presumption.

The numbers that have more compatibility with number 3 are 1, 5, 6 and 8. Each of these numbers provides the 3 the elements that it needs to complement itself; for example, the 5 fills it with inner freedom and change, the 6 gives it a touch of intuition, sympathy and understanding, while the 8 provides it with the necessary justice and security to take the road together.

Regarding number “four”, they are ruled by Uranus, which gives them a tenacious, secure, ambitious and orderly personality. In this way, they have the tendency to be very constructive, responsible, trustworthy and patient. The negative aspects that could have in certain cases are pessimism, the tendency to be destructive, controversial and violent.

The numbers that have more compatibility with number 4 are 2, 4, 6 and 8, because the 2 provides it with the necessary understanding and wisdom to feel security, while the 4 also gives it security and ambition, the 6 provides it with that love and understanding that both demand, and the 8 fills it with energy and realism.

With respect to number “five” which is ruled by Mercury, they are people characterized by having a brilliant mind, with a significant inner freedom that leads them through change and variety, and they say “No” to monotony. They tend to work at companies related to traveling, sales, arts and communication. The negative aspects that could arise are pessimism, the tendency to be cheaters, destructive and irresponsible.

The compatibility for the people with number five begins with the 3, which provides them with the cunning and intuition required to achieve their goals, while the 6 gives them a touch of idealism and love, the 8 adds realism and energy, while 9 fills them with energy, communication and independence they need to nourish their bright mind.

Moving to people with number “six”, we have that they are people with an idealistic personality and with tendencies to be nice and friendly, having artistic gifts. Because they are ruled by Venus, they have the need to surround themselves with beauty. The negative aspects that can emerge in them are excessive jealousy and selfishness, in addition to having the tendency to want to control the people they love.

The numbers that have more compatibility with number 6 are 2, 3, 4 and 5. It should be noted that the 2 is compatible with the 6 because it gives it that understanding, security and peace that the 2 values so much, while if there is a relationship with a number 3, it can work very well, since this number gives generosity, intuition and friendship; while a number 4 confers responsibility, security and ambition, which often it lacks, so the 4 reinforces that part, and of course, the 5 takes it to a path to change and inner freedom.

We get to people with number “seven”, ruled by Neptune, so they have the tendency to be lovers of peace and harmony, which they fight for or do what is required to achieve them and are a fundamental part to develop their skills to the fullest. Their personality is creative and magnetic, full of spirituality and wisdom. However, negative aspects could emerge such as the tendency to become introverted, depressed and prone to addictions.

The compatible numbers with the 7 are 1, 2, 7 and 9, which offer it work, effort, perseverance (1) understanding, security and peace (2), harmony, creativity (7), inner strength and communication (9).

Number “Eight”, ruled by Saturn, represents justice, so the people with this number are realistic, energetic, organized and dominant, who require a lot of love and affection, but it is hard for them to express it. Their negative aspects are: selfishness, resentment and pride. The numbers that have more compatibility with number 8 are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, which provide elements that the 8 values a lot, such as: (1) work, perseverance, security (2) peace, understanding, reliability (3) generosity, friendship (4) responsibility, security and ambition (5) freedom and change.

Finally, people with number “nine” are optimistic and generous; they have a lot of energy and are excellent with foreign relations and communications. They are ruled by Mars and have a strong, secure and independent character; but they can become lunatic, unstable and selfish. The 9 is compatible with all others, due to its inner and spiritual growth that makes it relate and communicate effectively with people.