Systematic desensitization is a useful technique that makes it possible to overcome phobias. This type of therapy is applied as a treatment for anxiety disorders; stressful elements are presented through visual images and this allows people to face their fears in a real way, when the situation is reproduced easily, or using the imagination when the situation cannot be represented freely.

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A phobia is an irrational and extremely intense fear present in various situations: with things, activities and people; but in reality, it represents no danger. However, it is a disease that disturbs a considerable number of people in the world, limiting their work efficiency, reducing their self-esteem, in addition to interfering in their daily routine and personal relationships.

There are three types of phobias: social phobia is the apprehension that involves people and social situations, such as being observed by others, speaking in public and meeting new people; agoraphobia is the refusal to leave the house. There are specific phobias such as: fear of heights, fear of various situations and fear of animals.

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The systemic desensitization technique is accompanied with breathing exercises so the person does not see the stimulus as something to be anxious about; it is used to not alter the person’s temper.  This type of relaxation manifests the fears to situations in our mind, so we must move progressively, starting with situations that induce minor annoyances, such as claustrophobia, also known as fear of being enclosed in small space. You can do this exercise in a room, close the windows first and then wait for a period of time and slowly close the door.

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When we reproduce in our mind the situation that disturbs us we must go over it in detail, but trying to remain calm. If we succeed at reproducing the situation with all its complements and without being affected, we can move to the next stage; but if we feel anxious we must try to relax again, if this does not work and you feel even more uncertain, it is time to stop the exercise and try it again the next day. And if the distress persists, before you challenge it you need to think about an in-between situation to experiment.

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More and more applications to treat phobias, inspired by systematic desensitization, are coming onto the market. One of them is “Phobious”, it was created by Xavier Palomer, an engineer; Dani Roig, a physicist and creator; and Eduard Teixidó, a psychologist. This app was designed to address three of the major phobias: fear of flying, fear of speaking in public and fear of needles; it is based on cognitive-behavioral therapies used by therapist in consultation.

Systematic desensitization helps you to overcome various types of phobia, it reduces your fear and anxiousness. The ideal solution is to place yourself in the hands of specialists that can help you change those behaviors that affect your life one way or another.

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