The infinite amount of gemstones always make us doubt of our choice is that we always want to take it all, either because of their color, shine or texture; even by its relation to our zodiacal sign is that since ancient times man has felt a particular attraction for the stones, but really what is the meaning of each element and how can we know which are more resistant.

There are many archaic stories and the current exploration, agree that man is a receiver and transmitter of energy, as are the crystals. It is said that each of them is associated with a planet and a Zodiac sign. In the world there is a great desire for certain stones that are originated by the earth, however, are modified by humans; transformed in clothes and accessories that are subsequently exhibited by women who love this kind of luxuries.

Precious and semi-precious stones that are strange or difficult to find in nature are mostly minerals. To distinguish each of these stones is important to know the scale of hardness or the Mohs scale, which is just the analogy of ten (10) Mineral set from lowest to highest according to their hardness; in this case a hard material can scratch a softer material but is not possible otherwise.

Each mineral used in the scale will be established a degree of hardness, first, the talc is presented with a scale of one and ending with the diamond with a scale of 10 as the hardest stone that exists on the planet. If we put ourselves in an everyday environment a fingernail has a hardness scale of two, while a knife blade five.

For stone lovers it is important to know the hardness of the mineral, since with this the value of each of them is known and there is a key way to know it. If the crystal is very soft it can be scratched with a fingernail, obtaining a scale of 1 or 2, but if it is soft; it may be scratched with a glass achieving a hardness between 2 and 5.5. On the contrary, if it is hard, you will achieve to scratch it with sandpaper; and finally if the stone is very hard you cannot scratch with any of the above, it means that its hardness is in the range between 8 and 10. Easy, simple and productive.

Continuing with the agents to recognize these precious stones, it is important to highlight that the scarcity or rarity to find a crystal in nature gives an indication that it is a gem or gemstone. Lastly is its beauty, perfection, brightness, color, transparency and purity spotlessly reveals it as a mineral.

In the world of gems are all beautiful, some more expensive than others; valuable, durable and irresistible, possessing energies that vibrate in our lives. Isn’t this great?