Of all trees, the cedar is perhaps one of the best known, this is not in vain since in the Bible, a text translated into more languages worldwide, it is the most mentioned tree; a reason that significantly increases its popularity. Commonly, it is known as a source of protection, wisdom and abundance. The essential oil of this tree is extracted from the pieces of wood from its trunk, by means of a process of steam distillation.

Among the main benefits of this essential oil are: to improve concentration and wisdom. To promote and stimulate hair growth. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, repels insects, cures and eliminates acne; this without counting all those benefits that are much more associated with health issues, but that still do not have scientific studies that prove them. Apart from its great properties, this essential oil is widely used in everyday life, so today we will know a little more about the different uses that are given.

• For hair loss: It can stimulate hair follicles, thus increasing circulation in the scalp, which contributes to hair growth and slows the process of hair loss.
A very comfortable option is to add cedar oil to the shampoo or conditioner and apply it on the scalp, another way of application is to place it directly on the scalp, massage it and let it act for about half an hour, then remove it with plenty of water at room temperature.

• To reduce dry scalp: Increases and stimulates circulation in the area of the scalp to make it look hydrated.

• Antiseptic effect: When applied topically on wounds, it defends the body against toxins fighting the bacteria in the body. It is recommended to apply it, mixing it with coconut oil and rubbing it later on the wounds or scars.

• Natural deodorant: As it is comforting and reassuring, it can improve personal perspectives and self-esteem, its inhalation or spray application can have long-lasting relaxing therapeutic effects.

• The effect on concentration: A study conducted at “Bringham Young University” by doctors Terry Friedmann and Dennis Egget, showed that the use of this essential oil can improve children’s concentration and learning abilities, also improving the results in 65 % in children with attention disorder.

• Insect repellent: it can repel mosquitoes, flies, moths and other insects. A few drops of the oil are placed on the skin and this will allow to keep them away in the open air, they can also be placed in a vaporizer or diffuser, in order to expand its effect. If a few drops of the oil are applied on the bed or clothes, the insects will be kept out of control and far away.

To keep moths away from the clothes without having the bad smell of mothballs, you must soak some cotton balls in the cedar oil and place them in the cupboard or drawers, moths will disappear with this.