A time for spiritual rebirth. The Sun will enter Scorpio in the middle of the night between October 22 and 23. Below, you will see the importance of this astral phase, as well as how you should prepare yourself to face a new path towards full glory and success.


Astrologer Pedro González Silva says that the entrance of the sun in Scorpio represents the beginning of a stage of extreme passion, power, and emotions, which are characteristics that define people born under the sign of Scorpio.

“Scorpio is a sign of mystery and extreme passion, power and emotion. It is connected to the ability of dying and being reborn; the need for progress. With the entrance of the Sun in Scorpio, a new life begins, so it’s necessary to have a look inside and start an inner discussion between your conscious self and your unconscious self”.


Fall special. González adds that the entrance of the sun in Scorpio represents a time of deep energies, which is ideal during the fall. “Scorpio makes our spirit and inner vibrations grow. This is the perfect moment to detach. It’s time to let go and break free from the emotions that keep us stuck in the past, and start a new life, choose a new and lighter direction, encouraged by motivation, regeneration and revitalization. Otherwise, what’s inside of us would become heavy and painful”.


Astrologer Patricia Kesselman emphasizes the importance of the relation between Scorpio and the fall. “The most mysterious sign in the zodiac is closely related with the stability of fall, the moment where leaves fall and die…they are waiting for the soil to be fertile, so they can give place to a new life. They die and then revive, while the nature prepares itself for a new cycle”.

Preparation. There are necessary steps you have to take in order to redefine your destiny, and there are certain methods you can use to prepare yourself for the entrance of the Sun in Scorpio. Specialist Lucia Uozimi says that epistolary therapy is essential for releasing, healing and reviving energetically, since “words, whether written or said, have power and energy, and the Universe captures our thoughts and wishes, and reflect them in our personal reality”.


Therefore, an ideal ritual to end cycles and be reborn is to write a letter with your intentions and wishes. You should write five letters; one for forgiveness, another to let go of certain things, another to thank, another to welcome positive things, and the last one containing all your intentions and wishes for this new stage. You can harmonize the energies of your spirit and home by creating an ideal environment to revive with the Sun in Scorpio.