The Celtic culture keeps very representative magical meanings in its symbolism, for this reason we want to talk about the sacred Celtic symbol, the triskel considered as supreme by the druids for its supposed healing ability and even devastating power for their enemies.

It is a curvilinear figure formed by three spiral arms, which come together in a central point, circle or triangle, forming the shape of a helix. Notably, the three is the most sacred number for the Celtic culture, and represents perfection and balance.

Also, this symbol is formed by an outer circle that represents the world and the infinite, within this circle there are three spirals with double turns that form three circles, these spirals come from the same point. Each of the spirals represents one of the three parts of which everything is made up in the universe, which are identical in size but different in nature.

So, it can be said that for the Celtic culture, the triskel as a whole represents the eternal evolution through knowledge, being the task and philosophy of the druid the search for eternal learning. This symbol represents the maximum trinity of druidism, and it involved so much the devotion that only that culture could use it, because all the roads they took merged them into one complete whole.

On the other hand, this sacred symbol manifested creation, being an emblem that grants powers to stimulate creativity, such as health and general protection, which together lead to prosperity and well-being, therefore it is a positive symbol for everyone who decides to take it. In the case of the druid, the one who had the honor of carrying a triskel was protected by the gods and was in fact transformed into a god on earth.

In fact, the triskel had many more uses within magic, for example the druid that had it could provide peace and immediate harmony to any place where he decided to go. He had the ability to guide souls along with his loved ones and ancestors in the beyond. Also, just by looking at it or drawing it, they could go into a trance and communicate with the gods, spirits of nature and their ancestors.

In the same way, they handled the triskel as a sacred Celtic symbol that led them to states of consciousness in which they moved away from the material to recognize spirituality and communion with nature, the center of Celtic philosophy. They wrote it in stone, wood or on the forest floor.

In short, it can be said that the triskel is a magical form full of mysteries, but that undoubtedly has to do with what is the harmony and well-being of the human being, a sacred symbol with unmatched power, which generates total peace and relaxation in three aspects of life such as physical, psychic and spiritual, also based on the elements air, water and earth.