Seal rings date back to ancient Rome; the prestige that presided these exclusive jewelry stated that they should only be used on the fingers of distinguished people or people with some category. Likewise, this accessory should be retired from the finger of the individual once this one died; Also, it was frowned upon to carry more than one ring of that class, because it was considered distasteful.


The seal rings with the name or the sign of the proprietary, evolved into the purely decorative rings, they have been a social reputation object and at the same time a useful instrument to sign documents and letters. Its benefit and value was such that to lose it was a big problem to its owner

In Egypt, the scarabs began to diligently use them, seamed in rings; especially those made of soapstone, these used to have the name and seal of their owner engraved, so that it could be used as a brand. However, it lost that use on that culture, being substituted by metallic seals that were a lot more resistant.

In ancient Greece, on the Hellenic period, carved stones were distinguished, reaching high quality levels; these stones were handled as ring seals, taking cornelian or chalcedony with their brown and cream grain.


The rings were chiseled with monograms, crests or another emblem. They were used as sealer for letters with sealing wax; at the same time they served as warranty of identity.


The way to use seal rings is complex in the entire world. In England, for example, only men wear it; In France, men wear them on the ring finger of the left hand; In Switzerland it’s quite the opposite, where gentleman wear it on the same finger but on the right hand; In Belgium both male and female use it on their pinky of the left hand; while in the United States of America, it’s worn on the pinky of the hand that’s less used, both for men and women.


Previously, it was necessary to kiss the seal rings of members of the royalty, for the moment of their presentation; but that’s not something that is currently used, decaying considerably in all that tradition; excluding some exceptions that are still going. In the case of the Holy Pontiff, it’s imperative to kiss his seal ring in special ceremonies, as a symbol of respect and tribute to all that it represents.


Nowadays, the seal rings aren’t used to mark a particular document; instead, they’re considered as an element of elegance and distinction. Kings still exhibit them, as well as politicians, businessmen, famous characters and we, that as women, want to sport an innovative style in fashion, just for the taste of dressing our finger with a beautiful and significant jewel. On the youtube channel “Sebastian Lopez Orfebre” you will be shown a template for seal rings.