Sadness and dissatisfaction, emotions that nobody wants to feel after having an intimate moment with their partner, but in case they happen, they have to be a wake-up call for that person. According to sexologist Miguel Ángel Barreto, “those who, after intercourse, manifest negative feelings such as sadness, anger, frustration, insecurity, not feeling wanted or loved, suffer from sexual dissatisfaction.” It is such a dangerous problem, that according to the specialist, the affected person can even reach depression.

Feeling that our sex life is not rewarding depends on various factors. According to the person, they are measured by how often their physical contact with their partner is, the emotional congeniality they have with each other, the quality of the preliminary caresses to intimacy, the way their sexual encounters are initiated, or even the way each other’s tastes in practices and sexual rhythm are respected.

Part of these factors arise from unrealistic ideas of what a true sexual relationship should be like. The person can have preconceived ideas, based on myths, prejudices or fantasies that escape from reality, so when having relationships and not getting what they had imagined, they start a process of contempt and devaluation after an intimate moment, which leads to sexual dissatisfaction.

In addition to the mental aspect, dissatisfaction also prevails due to physical factors such as anorgasmia in women and premature ejaculation in men. The anorgasmia turns out to be the inability to reach the climax, despite having reached the excitement necessary to initiate the sexual relationship. On the other hand, in the man, ejaculating too soon is concerning, and pleasure is left aside.

Both men and women suffer from it. A study published by “The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy” affirms that out of three thousand men surveyed, 54% are not satisfied with the sexual life they have, and of three thousand women interviewed, the figure was 42%. The conditioning factor in the study evaluated if they had intimate relations as often as that they wanted, due to the little time their daily routine left them to be intimate with their partner.

Dissatisfaction does not only cause depression. Sexologist and sexual psychotherapist, Miguel Barreto says that a person who is sexually dissatisfied reaches a point of avoiding any kind of encounter. If the problem is not controlled in time, the negative emotions, and the discomforts of intimacy will lead the person to seek ways of escape and avoid any erotic activity.

If you decide to see a specialist, the couple will be evaluated both individually and together, with a series of estimates to give whether the factor of sexual dissatisfaction is physical or emotional. Remember that a couple is made of two people, we must have confidence and be communicative with that other person, so that both manage to take pleasure equally, which strengthens, among other reasons, the relationship.