Viterallia is a plant whose name means shea tree; it is indigenous to the savannas of Western Africa. Its fruits contain seeds similar to almonds with a greasy fleshiness on the inside. By boiling this, it becomes butter, which is used in the kitchen, the chocolate industry – replacing cocoa –, and cosmetics.

Manteca_de_Karite_2_joya_life_.jpgThe trees grow freely, especially in black soils since these ones have a better quality establishment. These trees bear their first fruits at fifteen. However, they become mature when they are thirty. At this age, they begin to produce the amount of twenty kilograms of fruits; out of these, five kilos are seeds and a total of one kilo of butter per plant is provided. That is why it is a slightly complicated task in terms of cultivation.


This valuable substance has restorative and regenerative properties for the skin and hair, with ingredients such as latex and vitamins rich in nutrients and moisturizers. Now we will explain some of the numerous benefits of shea butter.


Anti-aging action. It is a strong and durable moisturizer; it improves elasticity by containing vitamin F, rich in fatty acids that help body metabolism. Similarly, vitamins A, D and E present in its fats combat wrinkles deeply; and they also manage to maintain uniformity in the natural color of your skin.

Sunscreen. It helps reduce the damage caused by ultraviolet rays. It prevents inflammation identified by several red spots. It also works as anti-irritant by preventing those allergies due to prolonged exposure to the sun. It should be applied throughout the body during those great days at the beach.


Natural deodorant. It avoids malodor by acting as an effective deodorant in terms of perspiration. It has components similar to organic regulators present in the sebaceous glands.

Anti-stretch product. It effectively prevents the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy and overweight. Because of its strong moisturizing elements and cellular regeneratives, the skin stretching does not suffer consequences of dermal atrophy.

Massage. It can be applied before and after performing your sports activities for the sake of a speedy muscle recovery; it gives sufficient elasticity to your joints. Similarly, it is excellent at removing callosities with frequent application. On the YouTube Channel Mariana Quiperz there is a video that will tell you how to prepare a cream made of “viterallia” to prevent stretch marks.

Hair care. It adds shine, prevents hair shedding and is excellent as a facial mask. Hair becomes more flexible since it prevents its breakage. In addition, it is an extraordinary hair conditioner. It also restores the hair follicle, controls dandruff and helps to add volume and softness.


Shea Butter will be helpful to get a spectacular skin and a revitalized hair. You can also find its different benefits incorporated in cosmetic products that are sold in your favorite stores.