Shoe stink is one of the main problems that we can face when wearing any type of shoes and especially shoes without socks. The problem is that we have more sweat glands in our feet than in any other part of the body and it is inevitable that they sweat. Therefore, when you start to sweat, that moisture is trapped and that is when the bacteria that live and grow on our feet decompose that sweat, causing the dreaded stink in shoes.

Although this is not the only cause, as possibly other foot problems or injuries are also causing your shoes to smell bad. While this is a fairly common problem and in some cases it is only a minor annoyance, in other cases it can be quite embarrassing. Therefore, whatever the cause, we must prevent it and in the worst case fight it. Find out how to do it below.

Shoe stink
Image By Piqsels

Best tips to prevent and fight shoe stink

1. Keep a foot care routine

It’s no secret to anyone that the shoe stink starts with having stinky feet. So the most important tip to prevent it is to wash your feet well every day. To do this, when you are in the shower, start by applying soap to the soles of your feet and don’t forget the area between your toes. Then proceed to rinse and finally when you get out of the shower, make sure to completely dry your feet, especially between the toes, before putting on your shoes.

It is also advisable to exfoliate the soles of the feet with a pumice stone, especially the heels, since bacteria usually hide in calloused cracks. You can also apply an antibacterial lotion to your feet after you shower. Remember that simply washing your feet thoroughly every day can completely eliminate foot odour in most cases.

2. Treat athlete’s foot

Another detail to consider is that shoe stink and particularly the stink in your feet could be caused by fungi and not bacteria, so treating these problems will greatly help reduce foot odour and shoe stink. For example, athlete’s foot and nail fungus; although they may be different, they are two manifestations of the same: fungal infection.

The problem is that they usually appear together; but fortunately to curb these problems, there are a number of treatments ranging from over-the-counter powders and creams to some home treatments.

3. Don’t wear the same shoes two days in a row

This tip is useful when it comes to caring for your shoes and extending their life, and it is equally applicable to removing stink. Because if your feet sweat a lot and you wear the same shoes for more than 8 hours a day, for several days in a row, they won’t have a chance to completely dry out or air out and you just keep adding moisture to them. Therefore, it is best to give your shoes a full day or two to ventilate and breathe a bit. Without a doubt, this is a good excuse to buy new shoes.

4. Keep a shoe care routine

In addition to constantly rotating your shoes, be sure to clean your shoes properly when wearing them. For example, after a long day, you can give them a quick wipe internally with an antibacterial wipe. This will kill bacteria before they take hold. You should also wash your shoes and insoles regularly; although you can do it in the washing machine, it is best to wash them by hand with cold water and detergent. You can add a little disinfectant to the washing solution, such as Lysol or Pine Sol.

On the other hand, it is recommended daily wiping dirty shoes with a damp paper towel to wipe away dirt and grime since when they decompose, they can also cause a shoe stink, as well as sweat.

Another important tip is to ensure that your shoes are well ventilated between uses to avoid moisture accumulation. For example, store your shoes in a cool, dry room with plenty of air flows. You can also remove the insoles and stuff your shoes with dry paper towels to help speed drying. In short, taking care of your shoes is another great way to keep them from stinking.

5. Apply foot powder

Regardless of the weather, our feet often start to sweat. So one of the most effective ways to prevent shoe stink is to apply foot powder before putting them on since it will help them to stay dry throughout the day.

6. Resealable bag + freezer

Put your shoes in a large resealable bag and put it in the freezer overnight. This is especially effective, as cold will also inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, leaving our pair of shoes odourless in the morning. However, we must warn you that this can degrade the glues and adhesives of shoes and consequently, shorten their useful life.

7. Wear sweat-wicking socks

To keep your feet and shoes drier, try to wear socks made of sweat-wicking material rather than cotton. Currently there are many socks on the market that have these properties and also keep sweat away from the foot so that it evaporates. Cotton is not recommended because it retains more sweat, making your shoes a perfect incubator for bacteria.

8. Apply deodorant to your feet

Although using deodorant on your feet will not keep them dry, it will at least inhibit the bacteria and fungi responsible for producing odours. You should only do it with caution to see if it produces any adverse reactions.

9. Use baking soda

Baking soda is universally known to absorb and neutralize odours, so you can try applying it directly to your shoes, although you will have to clean it up later to prevent it from turning into a gritty mud the next time your feet get sweaty. The best option is to put some baking soda in a sock, since porosity allows the soda to keep working and it does not get as messy. Put one in each shoe at the end of the day and baking soda will work overnight, you just have to be careful when using this method on suede or leather shoes, as overuse can cause these materials to dry out.

10. Isopropyl alcohol + spray bottle

Another option to consider is to fill a spray bottle with isopropyl alcohol and spray your shoes, since alcohol will not only reduce odour as a natural shoe deodorizer, but it will also kill any bacteria and disinfect the shoe. Just be sure not to over saturate your shoes so as not to add too much moisture; a light mist will be enough.

11. Consider powders, aerosols, and commercial products

Currently on the market there are a lot of products designed to kill shoe and feet stink. Although they are mostly a bit expensive and tend to include the same antibacterial ingredients, moisture wicking, and also essential oils or fragrances to make them smell good, they are still a good alternative.