Our skin at 40 undergoes some changes due to the inevitable passage of time. Loss of elasticity and luminosity, sagging, spots and wrinkles begin to appear. Gone are those days when we should not worry about any of those problems. Now, it is necessary to have some specific care in order to have radiant skin. Would you like to learn skincare at 40? Join us! We will tell you how fantastic and beautiful your skin can look.

La piel a los 40 Skin at 40
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Main skin problems at 40

Upon reaching 40, our skin, more than reflect the passing of the years, reflects the lifestyle we have led until then. So, the skin reflects if we have protected ourselves from the sun, if we hydrate the skin adequately, if we overdo it with alcohol and tobacco, and even if we have exercised or not. That is, everything is etched on our skin and we will begin to notice its consequences from the age of 40. Let’s see what are the main problems that occur in the skin at 40.

Lack of hydration.

Skin hydration is essential for healthy skin, at any age. When we do not hydrate the skin correctly, it begins to originate skin fragility, tightness, itching, peeling and the appearance of small wrinkles which will become difficult wrinkles with which we will have to deal.

We can notice the dehydration of our skin when feeling tight when leaving the shower. In addition, we will feel that we need to apply some moisturizer to the face.

Appearance of wrinkles.

The first wrinkles begin to appear at 30. These are called gesture wrinkles and they begin to be marked in the expression lines and they are very finite. These usually appear between the eyebrows, the eyelids, the well-known and feared “crow’s feet”. Wrinkles also appear around the lips, called a barcode. Over the years they begin to become more evident. Cell division slows and skin structures that support the skin are affected. In addition, the skin at 40 becomes thinner, loses elasticity and firmness.

Loss of luminosity

The skin at 40 gradually loses its luminosity. This is mainly due to the change in the superficial cutaneous microcirculation, to which is added some change in the behaviour of the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis, and its renewal.


The skin is an organ with memory, so you probably remember those days when we did not take care of our skin and went to the beach without sunscreen. And it is possible that when we reach 40 we begin to notice some trace of our carelessness back then.

Skincare at 40

Regardless of how each skin ages differently, some general care is necessary when we reach 40. We should not worry, but rather take care of taking care of our face. Before knowing how we can take care of our own.


Exfoliation is one of the fundamental steps for skin care, at any age. As is well known, this process helps to remove dead skin cells and moisturizers to penetrate better. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, exfoliating promotes skin renewal, delaying premature aging.

Skin cleansing at 40

Clean skin is the first big step in showing off a youthful face with no trace of impurities. But, it is very important to make adjustments to our cleaning routine, since it cannot be the same as it was 10 years ago. To do this, we must resort to cleaning products that are creamy. The denser they are, the better. This will clean and moisturize your face at the same time.

Sun protection, an essential step

Sun protection is essential at any age. And even more after 40, which is when the spots on the face begin to appear more frequently. For this reason, it is essential to apply sunscreen daily. It must have at least SPF 30. We must apply it regardless of the weather, that is, whether it rains, is cloudy, snow is falling or there is a radiant sun; we must use sunscreen.

According to research published in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, sunscreen helps prevent and reduce the signs of aging that appear from direct exposure to the sun. Let’s remember what we said about the memory of the skin. That is why it is best to always apply sunscreen to prevent those vestiges of the mistreatment that we could have given to our skin appear.

It is important to apply sun protection not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. These are the areas where the passage of time on the skin is most evident. To reinforce this barrier against the sun, it is advisable to use makeup that contains a sun protection factor, so we will be sure that our skin at 40 is protected.

Hydration and more hydration

Opt for thick moisturizing creams that fight dryness and provide you with vitamins and antioxidants. Without a doubt, they will be a plus in your routine.

This is another essential step in caring for your skin in your 40s. According to a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, the application of moisturizers helps to soften the skin and improve its characteristics. In addition, we must know that hydration is the best way to avoid the formation of small wrinkles.

Similarly, it provides the skin with beneficial substances such as vitamins, botanical antioxidants, peptides, skin lightening agents, botanical anti-inflammatories and exfoliating agents.

For this, night moisturizers are perfect, especially those with properties to counteract premature aging, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and pro-retinol. These help to quickly replace the natural elements of our skin that we have lost over time.

Stimulating massages

Massages will always be beneficial. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out a small massage session when applying our daily moisturizer. This will serve to stimulate the skin and allow the product to penetrate much better. To carry out the massage we will have to give light touches in the form of a “typing” all over the facial skin, it can also be with light pinches. With this step we will achieve that the dermis is stimulated and becomes more resistant.

8 habits to have beautiful skin at 40

  • ALWAYS wear sunscreen, even if it rains or the day is cloudy.
  • Use a good moisturizer, with hyaluronic acid.
  • Drink at least two litres of water.
  • Sleep well, at least 7 hours each night. Avoid sleeping on your stomach or on your side.
  • Eliminate or reduce cigarettes.
  • Exfoliate your skin periodically.
  • Practice relaxing techniques such as meditation.

This article is informative and is not intended to serve as a diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any type of ailment. This information is not a substitute for consulting a doctor, specialist or health professional.