Having strong and healthy nails is part of the aesthetics of any person, especially if she is a woman. However, achieving this also reflects how we take care of our health and specifically our hands. But, daily we expose our nails to different factors that weaken them. In addition, bad habits and age can also affect them. What makes them more fragile and not grow as fast as they should.

Uñas fuertes y saludables Strong and healthy nails
Image By Pexels

Therefore, although we might think that having strong and healthy nails is an easy task, it is not. Well, it requires permanently implementing certain care and habits externally and internally. So we are sure that if you dedicate yourself to follow the following insurance tips, you can also do it.

Drink plenty of water for strong, healthy nails

Essential water for us and as trite as this may seem is one of the habits that we must implement in our lives. Since it will not only have effects on our general health, achieving with it, feel and see ourselves better. But it will also make our nails and cuticles hydrated.

The recommendation is to consume at least two litres of water a day. What will allow us to maintain adequate hydration of our body and of course of our nails.

Using moisturizers

Nails that break easily and appear dull are a visible sign that they are dehydrated. So to have strong and healthy nails it is necessary to apply moisturizing cream to hands and nails several times a day. This without forgetting to also spread moisturizer on the cuticles. With this we will protect our nails from the aggressions of the environment.

There are moisturizers on the market that contain components such as keratin, urea, lactic acid or almond oil. Which generate a protective film that prevents dehydration. Similarly, baths in olive oil can help restore and maintain your nails. What we must do is leave them soaking for 5 minutes, then massage them and absorb the nutrients.

A balanced diet, the key to having strong and healthy nails

Just as it is important to drink enough water, a balanced diet is equally essential for nail care. Since all the nutrients we need come from meals and the lack of them is also reflected in our nails.

So, if we have fragile nails, it is advisable to consume balanced dairy products that provide the calcium we need. As well as including fruits, cereals and vegetables especially rich in vitamins A, B, D, zinc, calcium and folic acid in our diet.

Among them we have liver, eggs, blue fish, cauliflower, strawberries, raspberries and bananas. In addition to vegetables and nuts or flaxseed oil among others. They also provide healthy fats necessary to have strong and healthy nails.

Keep nails short

The longer the nails are, the greater the risk of them breaking and also, the greater the care that we must have. Because, suffering sudden breaks in turn can cause the appearance of infections. Therefore, if you want to have healthy nails, it is important to keep them short but not so short. Seeking that they always have an appropriate length so that you can avoid their breakage and achieve a healthy appearance.

Also when cutting nails, it is important to do it correctly. Since, for example, pulling the stepparents or cutting them improperly, can cause infections and discomfort. Try to do it with a nail clipper or appropriate scissors, always following the shape of the cuticles. Well this is the natural way of nails.

It is best to make a straight cut and then round with the help of a file. Also keep in mind that the best time to cut them is when we get out of the shower. In case you feel that you do not know how to cut them well or have problems doing it, it is best to seek help from a specialist.

Do not always leave them painted

Although all women always like to wear well-decorated nails. Those who want strong, healthy nails need to give it a break. In other words, leave them natural for a while without paints or gloss, regardless of the quality of the products we use.

This is recommended to do it at least on weekends and not to paint or remove the paint more than once a week. But the ideal is that we usually leave them natural, at least one week a month. This in order not to mistreat them excessively and give them time to regenerate naturally.

Do not use enamel removers with acetone

Using this type of products on a regular basis can cause dryness of the nails by weakening the keratin layer. Making them more vulnerable to bacteria, fungi and infections, especially if we have brittle nails. On the other hand, the nail polish removers without acetone will take longer to dissolve the nail paint but they are less aggressive with them and with our hands.

Wear gloves when doing household chores

The use of cleaning products without wearing gloves to protect the hands is one of the most harmful habits. Well, the products we use to clean the house are very abrasive and damage our hands and nails. This is one of the main causes of weakening of the nails.

That is why it is very important that every time we go to manipulate these products we use gloves.

Take supplements to have strong and healthy nails

Supplements are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, D, E. As well as many B vitamins, folic acid, zinc, iron, calcium, and biotin.

Biotin is also called vitamin B8 and vitamin H. It is a vitamin that is involved in transforming glucose into energy. As well as in the creation of haemoglobin, the metabolism of fats and in the healthy growth of nail, skin and hair tissues.

This is how taking supplements regularly does not only translate into strong and healthy nails. It is also a significant contribution to our general well-being.

In conclusion, nails are an essential part of our appearance and deserve the same care that we give to other parts of the body. Remember that the state of your hands and nails says a lot about you, so do not wait any longer and start implementing the advice we have given you today.