Have you avoided walking under a ladder? ¿by seeing a black cat you do your best to avoid him to pass in front of you? It would never occur to you to open an umbrella under a roof? If you can provide a positive answer to at least one of these questions, you are a superstitious person.

Superstition may involve various aspects, but overall is the popular belief, handed down from generation to generation, and it allows to relate casualty with some situations or phenomena. These dogmas may generate some negative change in your life with total lack logical explanation.

For the superstitious, simple questions, such as spilling salt, breaking a mirror and even the number thirteen can mean a bad omen or a harbinger of bad luck. Many people even apply certain defense mechanisms to prevent these negative consequences, like throwing salt over your right shoulder, believing that this is the best alternative to be safe from harm.

But should we believe in superstitions? According to experts in the field of psychology, go with these beliefs can generate insecurity and cause fear for the things that might happen. It also tends to make the use of rituals to ward off bad luck when it comes to fully comply with the “antidote” to the negative situations.

It is for this reason that professionals recommend not to allow superstition to control our lives; besides of activate so as not to condition ourselves to these beliefs.

When an individual realizes he is getting carried away by superstition, it is suggested to reduce the influence on us. Experts recommend the following: learn to trust in yourself, not guided by superstition; be clear that these beliefs have no logical foundations; keep a positive mind to attract good; and finally get rid of the need for rituals.

Moreover, it is believed that superstitions sometimes have positive effects on people. To think of them mentally, we become conditioned, and by believing that they will help us out to be successful, we controlled our minds thinking it actually do so.

To believe or not believe, here is the dilemma. Is not bad to believe, but it is important not to let these ideas to control our lives. Every step you take, there should be conditioned not to attract bad luck, or worse, be afraid if something unexpected happens, believing that this will be bad. When that happens, we must seek help to overcome our obsession.

In short, settling our “lucky shirt” because we believe in doing so our favorite team will win is not bad. But the results will not depend on it. Luck is not something we can control with superstitious rituals. Everything will be fine!