
Tabata is part of so-called high-intensity cardiovascular workout, a style that has taken major boom in recent years. It was originated in a study conducted by the professor Tzumi Tabata with a group of researchers from the National Institute of Sports in Tokyo, with the participation of high-level athletes. It was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports Exercise in 1996, and states that cardiovascular workouts made in margin of four minutes, five times a week for six weeks, improve the system of anaerobic energy supply and physical condition.

Other research has shown that the Tabata training is 50% more effective in burning fat compared with low intensity cardio.

The insulin sensitivity and aerobic capacity are two factors that improve the practice of Tabata method. Insulin is vital in hormone homeostasis and insulin resistance is one of the major problems encountered in metabolic diseases. Meanwhile, aerobic capacity is widely associated with the good performance of the individual, as it relates to the body’s ability to function efficiently and perform activities supported with little effort.

In addition to these benefits, this method provides greater muscular endurance, increased caloric expenditure, which helps to shape the body and increased release of growth hormone.

No doubt that is extremely beneficial to work at moderate and vigorous intensities for short periods of time, compared with conventional practice of exercises for hours. But it is also true that positive results will depend much on the genetic composition of each individual. That is why before making any such practice is advisable to make a series of medical tests that dictate the effectiveness of training according to the conditions of the person.


But what is this method? The Tabata is a training system at intervals of high intensity and short duration. Eight series consists of performing a particular exercise of 20 seconds each, with the largest possible number of repetitions and resting only 10 seconds between each. This is how a four-minute workout is completed. It is not advisable to exceed this time, but may include up to four different movements in the series.

You can choose from a variety of exercises, but it is best to perform those working larger muscle groups or multiple muscle groups simultaneously, but whatever the type of training, is very important to put the greatest effort and the maximum intensity at each repetition. Some of the recommended exercises are squat jump, jump rope, sprints, hit a punching bag and cycling. Furthermore, this method can also be combined with yoga, which makes you to increase your strength and improve your balance.