Tuesday, December 29th, 2015. Studies have determined that excessive use of cell phones could be the cause of “techno-stress”, a term used to define the emotional state caused by establishing an exaggerated contact with technology. If you are interested to know if you suffer from this modern evil, join in this article to know the causes, consequences and tips to prevent that technology and smart phone ruin your life.


These studies have been performed by specialists in Marketing, Business Intelligence, NLP and students of the University of Waterloo; who have reached important conclusions regarding the relationship of the effects on the brain and memory usage, human ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, sleep, relationships and of course, stress.

Similarly, these studies have found that brain function in humans before the emerge of technological equipment is not the same in the way of process information. Let’s test. How many phone numbers or birthdays can remember by heart? A few right? Our brain has made a habit of having all this information and more is saved on your cell phone and even alerts you if it’s necessary.



But what about these effects in the case of children? Excessive use of electronic games on mobile phones and other technological equipment, could result in sleep disturbances, in attention span and lack of concentration for schoolwork. Also, subtract the positive effect that generates the leisure and enjoyment in other activities or just these important spaces of “doing nothing”.

Likewise, diminishes the brain exercise in thinking. Every time we think and analyze less, because now is easier to make these processes through machines. True or not that many of our problems are solving through the Internet and a search engine? Most will say yes, and that’s why the brain loves the comfort and the act of getting easily what you want, without much effort is the glory for itself. And you want to know more? the body support it, for thinking, generates significant energy expenditure.


However, despite all these nothing flattering conclusions for the technology side; experts still insist that under no circumstances the brain and its function may be replaced by any device, so take care of it, your health is important. To do this, never forget to enjoy those moments of “disconnect”. Nothing will happen if you miss a few hours some of your mobile phone and just dedicated to enjoy your surroundings and your family, away from text messages and the Internet.