Nature is wonderful, it not only gives us beauty and landscapes, it gives us food to survive, as well as different natural species that serve to protect and beautify our body. Many of these species are considered medicinal plants, which have different uses and applications, being among them the “Aloe Vera”, also known as aloe, which is currently one of the most used in naturopathic health treatments, as well as in the field of body beauty.

The reasons for favouritism by Aloe Vera, is due to the components it contains, which are beneficial for the treatment of some diseases, as well as to care, maintain and beautify, both skin and hair and teeth.

With respect to its medicinal properties, we must mention that according to experts from different research institutes around the world, Aloe Vera contains diverse and wonderful components that provide certain properties that we will mention next:

Aloe Vera is rich in aloemodine, which regulates the functioning of the intestinal mucosa, in addition to aloelein andaloetin, the former improves duodenal and stomach ulcers and helps to reduce acidity; while the second, acts as a neutralizer of the effect of microbial toxins. It also contains amino acids that are involved in the formation of proteins, while carricin is responsible for the strengthening of the immune system and enzymes that also intervene in the stimulation of the body’s defences.

On the other hand, aloe is well known for its healing properties, which are due to the presence of mannose phosphate, which is an agent that promotes the growth of tissues with healing effect, as well as plant hormones that stimulate the cell growth and healing.

The treatment of the skin is favoured by the moisturizing properties of this wonderful plant, due to its high Mucopolysaccharide content, in addition to the mucilage that produces an emollient activity on the skin, the phytosterols with a high and effective anti-inflammatory action and the saponins that serve of antiseptic.

Aloe Vera is rich in minerals and vitamins, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body. The vitamins present in this plant are: vitamin A, vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12), vitamins C and E. It also contains minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, sodium, manganese or potassium.

Both the nutrients of Aloe Vera, minerals and vitamins, are found in the pulp of the leaves that contain a gel or almost transparent sticky liquid, which can be used externally on the skin or hair, as well as can be ingested in form of syrups or in pieces previously washed to remove the sticky substance and ingest them.

When we speak of external use, its contribution is very well known in the treatment of burns, minor wounds or insect bites, for which the aloe leaf must be opened, the shell removed and the gel extracted to be applied directly on the affected area, even thin pieces of the pulp can be cut and placed, however, if the wound or burn is very deep, it is advisable to wait a few days to make the application.

Another of the most common external uses of Aloe Vera is its direct application on the skin in order to nourish, moisturize and soften it, for which the leaf should be cut at the base, trying to choose a stalk large enough to remove the pulp, crush it sufficiently to obtain a paste that is applied to the skin for about 20 minutes, which can be prolonged according to personal preference.

Also, this gel in the form of well crushed paste and if possible casting to avoid lumps, is used to beautify and moisturize the hair, which is applied for about 20 minutes, and then wash it carefully with plenty of water.

But, not only can you use Aloe Vera naturally when you extract it from the plant, if you prefer you can purchase various products that contain it, for example shampoos, creams and oils, which are quite beneficial as body moisturizers and hair repair, and something very important, does not leave the skin with that greasy feeling that for many is unpleasant. To apply the Aloe Vera oils, a sufficient amount should be placed on the area to be treated, to later make a gentle massage until the oil is completely absorbed by the skin.

If we refer to the internal use, Aloe Vera can be ingested naturally, in shakes or juices, or directly in small pieces, however, for those who do not like it that way, there are on the market flavoured syrups and drinks, with or without sugar, without preservatives or dyes, which are recognized for their beneficial effects on the body, helping to maintain health by regulating and regenerating the digestive system, prevent and / or control constipation and bad breath, strengthen joints and regenerate the cells.

On the other hand, ingested also serves to combat conditions such as: colitis, varicose veins, high blood pressure and anaemia, in addition to stimulating insulin secretion, controlling hypertension and improving blood circulation. Also, it is very useful to overcome physical exhaustion and increase the functions of metabolism and vitality. Another frequent and effective use is its application to preserve dental health, since it makes some bacteria cannot access our teeth, being effective in the prevention of tooth decay and gum disease.

A very precious benefit for millions of people who suffer from diabetes, is the one that provides a pure juice of Aloe Vera in fasting, which acts on the organism reducing the levels of sugar, which is basic for the control of this disease that affects very much to people, and that over time causes other ailments and conditions.

The treatment of liver diseases, you can find in Aloe Vera an element that helps prevent some liver damage caused by alcohol, while for the control of hypertension, can be used because this plant is rich in trace elements and potassium, which helps regulate tension.

On the other hand, aloe has immunomodulant and anti-inflammatory properties, which serve to reduce the symptoms of people suffering from allergic asthma, which is very positive to relieve respiratory deficiencies and the flow of phlegm that occurs when this disease affects the organism.

Another advantage highly valued by many people who want to get rid of those extra kilos, is their ability to help lose weight, for which you should consume the pure juice of Aloe Vera, because it promotes body conditions by eliminating substances more toxic that are found in the body and that are produced by poor digestion. In this way, the body is cleansed with the consumption of Aloe Vera, and you can start a balanced diet and any treatment aimed at decreasing body weight.

Its external use amplifies its action in the treatment of acne, that evil that worries so much the youth, both girls and boys are very affected with this juvenile evil, although sometimes it is prolonged in time, for which it must be First, open the Aloe Vera leaf longitudinally to remove its spines, cut the pulp to crush it well and pour the resulting paste into a container, being advisable to add about two tablespoons of milk, one tablespoon of honey and another of turmeric.

Subsequently, this paste is applied gently on the affected skin, which must be done daily for the necessary time. This favours the appearance of the skin, because Aloe Vera is a moisturizer that has a bactericidal action, through which natural anti fungicides are produced, which serve to prevent and cure acne.

In spite of all the benefits of this plant, some precautions should also be considered when using it for internal treatments, that is, when it should be ingested. Hence, it is convenient that you know that Aloe Vera is not recommended for those who suffer from gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, ulcerative colitis, haemorrhoids, irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, appendicitis or any abdominal pain of unknown cause.

In addition, pregnant women should only consume it under medical prescription, as well as children under 12 years. On the other hand, although its use as a laxative is wonderful, it should not be prolonged for more than two weeks, in order that the intestine does not generate dependence. It should also be clarified that it should not be used in excess, because its very frequent use can cause intolerance, as is often the case with many products or substances.

Finally, we must mention that it is good to apply Aloe Vera collected directly from the plant, since it allows to conserve its nutrients and main components that provide all the properties we have described, not being subjected to any chemical process that modifies its structure original.

Therefore, Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera is a wonderful plant easy to grow, that grows fast and with minimal care you can keep it beautiful and with large stalks to be used in the treatment of many conditions that were explained in this article, as well as for Take care of your skin, teeth and hair. In addition, Aloe Vera is very decorative and you can display it in your living room or anywhere in the house, considering that it is also said to ward off bad vibrations.

What else to ask this gift of nature, which gives us health, natural beauty, practicality and economy, because if we use it regularly, without exaggerating its use, we can avoid or prevent the suffering of some diseases, or improve those that are already present in the body, in addition to taking care of our beauty and health of the skin, by wearing wet and splendid skins, silky and shiny hair, and teeth free of cavities and inflammations, just by having a beautiful plant in our homes.